006. Brown Sugar

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I'm Unmatchable. The words echo in my head for a moment, but when it stops, I realize that that makes sense. They don't have her genetics.

"Oh..." My voice trails off; I'm not sure what to say. "Did you... tell anyone?"

"I told Keefe. But I'm scared to tell Fitz, because then—then we'll be a Bad Match." She sounds repulsed, and for a moment, I'm annoyed. But then I realize she's disgusted at the system; not at the prospect of being a Bad Match. "And his family's golden legacy will be ruined, by me. Or he'll... break up with me."

Their golden legacy? Not so golden right now. I shake my head. Shut up, brain, thanks.

"Have you tried asking Mr. Forkle?" I ask. "Maybe he can—"

"I've already tried. He told me it's not the time for Matchmaking scrolls, and that I have to focus on the Neverseen, and 'it's not a matter of whether I deserve it or not.'"

"Oh," I say dumbly. Because that actually makes sense—but I'm not sure if that's what Sophie wants to hear.

"I mean—I guess it does make sense. I got distracted, and now Keefe's hurt, and we have to deal with Seraph." She looks frustrated. "But I don't want—" And then Sophie stops, realizing that she's ranting to me. "Ah... sorry."

"N-No, it's okay. You do deserve a normal life." I hesitate. "Once this is all over, you'll get that. Hang in there, okay?"

"Hopefully," Sophie mumbles. She shakes her head and stands. "Hey, Dex, I think I need to let Mr. Forkle know what happened. I transmitted to him earlier and he wants the memory, so he's at Havenfield right now."

There's an awkward pause after that; I'm waiting to see if she's going to ask me if I want to come, and I think she's waiting to see if I'm going to ask if I can come.

Both of us stay quiet, so I let it go. "Okay, good luck, then."

"Thanks. I'll talk to you later?"

I nod. "Talk to you later." She leaves the room, and I can hear her and Elwin exchanging a few sentences before their conversation subsides.

I glance at Keefe. He doesn't look like he's waking up soon, and Elwin still needs to apply the balm to stop his shoulder's soreness, most likely.

I'll come back later. I stand, smooth out the cot's sheets, and go home.


She calls me at 3 PM.

The triplets didn't prank me when I got back, which was, on one hand, great, because my hair isn't a neon pink. But on the other hand, that makes it so that I keep thinking.

About Keefe, about Seraph, about Sophie, about Fitz.

About Rosaleen.

My Imparter buzzes, and I quickly sit up from hanging upside down on my bed, before checking the hailer. Rosaleen Ellis. Accept or decline?

I accept, and her face pops up on the screen. "Dex?"

"Rosaleen—hi—!" My words come out scattered and I wince. She really caught me off-guard. "How are you... doing?" I want to take it back the moment I say it.

What do I mean, "How are you doing?" I just saw her a few hours ago.

She smiles awkwardly. "I-I'm good. How about you...?"

"Also good."

"And your friend?"

"He's hanging in there. Elwin said he was conscious about thirty minutes ago, and Sophie's checking on him right now." I pause. "How's your cut?"

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