026. A Bit Of A Flirt

299 16 284

NOV 16 . 7:39 AM

My hands are shaking, and I don't want anyone to notice.

We're all in the Sunroom. (By we, I mean Seraph, Trix, Alvar, Dex, and me. I'm not exactly sure why Dex is here, but I think it's because I'm here. Which is kinda sweet of him, especially since it's really early.)

"You guys ready?" Alvar says.

Trix shrugs. Seraph says "Yup." I manage a nod. This is really awkward.

Dex reaches for my hand and squeezes it. His hand's warm, which is a startling contrast to how cold my hands are. "Be safe, okay?" he tells me.

I inhale, squeezing back. "I will," I say. I'm not sure if I'm lying, though, because to be fair, you never know when you'll die. I can easily get hit by a car today.

"Come on, now, what's with your solemn attitudes?" Alvar teases us. He glances at our hands, eyebrows raised, and I feel my face heat up as we both pull our hands away. "One day with Ruy and Melia, and you guys are already learning."

Dex rolls his eyes, but his cheeks are red. "N-No, it's not like that," he says. "We're—um, it's—we're just—"

"I've just never been on a Neverseen mission before," I say, interrupting before this whole conversation goes to chaos. "And I've never been in the human world."

"Oh!" Alvar claps his hands. "For the load of garbage the humans are, some of the stuff they've made is pretty neat. You'll probably like it."

Dex laughs. "I thought you called their food fish turds?"

I have to smile at that. "And their water dirty mountain pee?"

Alvar dramatically clutches his heart. "You used, Remembrance! It was, Effective! I am, Dying!" He pauses, then adds, "The power you two hold, Big!"

Dex starts blushing again. (Blushing, physical contact, and him staring at me yesterday. Those are all signs of a certain something that starts with a c and ends with a -rush. But then again, I don't want to assume anything.)

Trix sighs, and Seraph says something that's roughly translated to "What a dumb-butt." (But I don't think she says it meanly. And also... her voice is kinda familiar.)

"Aw, you know you love me," Alvar says to Seraph, winking at her.

"Me? Love a flirty small-brain like you?" Seraph says. There's a hint of a smile in her voice. "Impossible."

"He's a bit of a flirt, but I'ma give it a chance," Alvar says, almost like he's singing.

Seraph groans. "I watch one thing with you and you quote it every time you see me."

"I asked about his family, did you see his answer?" Alvar points his fingers toward Seraph.

She sighs and flatly says, "His hands started fidgeting, and he looked askance. He's penniless, he's flying by the seat of his pants."

Alvar grins. "Handsome, boy, does he know it! Peach fuzz, and he can't even grow it! I wanna take him faraway to a place—"

"It's 'I wanna take him faraway from this place,'" Seraph says.

Alvar ignores her. "Then I turn and see my sister's face and she is..."

Seraph opens her mouth, as if she's going to continue, then closes it, shaking her head. "Come on, Alv. Mission? Remember?"

"Last line, I promise."

"Afterwards. It can be your little victory song or whatever, alright?"

Yeah, no, Seraph's voice is really familiar.

"Fine, fine." Alvar holds a blue crystal up to the light. "Cool People, assemble!"

Trix looks like he wants to cry from how cringy Alvar's being.

"Oh, but not you, Dex," Alvar says, completely oblivious. "It's not your turn to be all cool and stuff."

Dex mock-sighs, going along with Alvar's whole show, then smiles at me. This is amusing; Alvar's a bit of a dork, but in a good way, his smile says.

"Be cool on my behalf, then, Rosaleen?"

I laugh. "Of course," I say. Because investigating some Kaboom Weapon™ is very cool.

He nods, and his voice softens to something more serious. "I'll be waiting right here for you if you need me, okay?"

My hands aren't shaking anymore when I nod. And then Alvar holds the crystal to the light, and then—just like that—we're in Japan.

˚ 🌷 ── author's note!

TYSM FOR 2K READS !! ily all, and all ur comments and votes make me v happy hehe :)) im rlly glad this story's somewhat entertaining and i hope u'll stick around till the end! <3

( also, im much better at satisfied's lyrics than helpless' rip <//3 )

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