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JAN 2 . 4:46 PM

We both sit there for a while, as I compose myself.

"You okay?" Koray says.

"Yeah," I reply.

And we leave it at that for another few minutes.

"If it's not personal," he says teasingly, "why do you adore water so much?"

I shoot him a glare, and somehow, he sees it and laughs. "It's not too personal," I say, then realize it probably kinda is, but not caring. "My parents... drowned."

Koray blinks. "Well, damn."

"I was a little kid," I say. I was nine. "They went on a date on a cruise ship, and there was an accident."

"What kind of accident?"

There's a long long pause. "I don't know," I say finally. "I was too scared to come, and I was so young back then that no one told me. By the time I was eleven, people forgot."

"Oh." He clears his throat. "I'm sorry. It sounds hard."

I shrug. "It was a long time ago," I say, and I search his body language. I hope he knows that I'm telling him this out of vulnerability, not out of trust.

Because I still wanna go home, and leave everything here untouched.

Koray nods. Still, his body language says, but his lips don't move.

I finally stand, looking at the crystals. "So," I say, "which one's the New York one?"

He stands, too, trying to get a good look at them, but failing. "Are there any blue ones?"

"There's dark blue."

"Cobalt blue?"

"The hell is cobalt blue?"

"The other blue—is there a lighter blue?"

I look at the crystals, and there aren't. "No?"

Koray curses. "And you're not colorblind?"

"Piss off," I say, turning to glare at him. "I'd tell you if I were colorblind."

He half-smiles, but his eyes are worried, like he's about to get beat up. I frown. Maybe he is (a joke, for the most part). "What?" I ask.

"Well..." He winces. "Crap."

I'm tempted to throw one of these hard sparkly crystals at him, but I don't, because I'm a patient, amazing person. "What now?"

"We get you back here, first," Koray says. "And then... And then the author has to check her notes of the plot."

I shoot him a look.

"Okay, okay. We'll go back to my room. I'll find you the crystal."

Sure, like him and his terrible thieving skills will be able to steal it. But there's nothing else I can do, so I take a deep breath and ease myself into the water again.

Koray's voice is gentle as he tells me of his second kiss, like I'm something fragile.

I hate that he's able to see my face this time.

Soon I make it to the other side, and I sit there, not throwing up. He sits by my side.

"I'm sorry it wasn't there," Koray says.

I'm annoyed, but I know it isn't fair to pin it all on him, as much as I want to. Am I actually acknowledging his feelings right now? Character development, I guess.

"It's fine," I say. "I have blackmail on you now, don't I?" His first two kisses don't make for good blackmail, but he sounds oddly guilty.

It's not like my suffering bothers him, anyway.

"Oh, just shut up," he says, but he still seems guilty.

"It's not your fault," I say. "I get it. You meet the best person ever and you make her undergo trauma, so you feel bad because she's the perfect-est and didn't deserve that." I pause and laugh. "But it's over now, yeah?"

Koray flips me off, but with a smile, so I take it. "You ready to go back?" he asks.

I study him and he seems to feel better about it all. "Yeah," I say, standing. I'm still a little shaky, but in an okay way.

I let him lead the way back to his room, the two of us both lost in our own thoughts.

It feels like there's a wall between us, that's slowly crumbling from the secrets we share. I know he isn't human, but if he were, maybe we could be friends.

˚ 🌷 ── author's note!

there's this girl in my english class who's also into writing and i wanna be friends with her but we dont sit near each other :')

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