Chapter Six

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Nina's Pov
Halloween rolled right around much faster then I was expecting, but when you live in a town that goes all out. You know it's Halloween.

This town was filled with so many kids and teens and I honestly wasn't surprised that Laughing Jack was staying here for quite some time it was a perfect hunting ground for him to find the naive.

He stayed around the house for most of the day watching me set up the big bowl of candy and even went as far as helping me dress up as the colorful version of himself. We even used some fake temporary red hair dye for the night.

"I would say I out did myself this time." He grinned from where he sat on the side table watching me shuffle around in the outfit. It was impressive. I didn't know he could make clothes.

"I look so weird." I chuckled shaking my hair messing with the red lips stick a bit looking at how half the candy was already gone.

"You've been the star of the show, don't be so dramatic now my little one. What time is it?" He questioned sucking on a bright pink lollipop happily.

"Like ten I think." I chuckled messing with my bright red color hair.

"Let's go! Off to the carnival. " He laughed sitting up a little bit gazing at me.

"All around the merry go round, the monkey chase the weasel, he thought it was all great fun, come on Nina!" I cracked a small laugh but then start sing to along finishing it for him watching him laugh happily once I did.

"Pop goes the weasel."

"It's so dark here? How do you even see?" I questioned whipping my head around, I couldn't lie when I felt just the eerie vibes. all the old children's toys. Felt like something straight out a movie.

"It's brighter during the day!" I jumped when he hollered at me but my all black vans hit the cracked sidewalk before I climbed up on one of the old merry go rounds listening to the loud creaking it made.

I some times just feel this sadness for Laughing Jack. He was suppose to be this figure to help kids when they are alone, but because of a deep turn of events he now just had this hate towards all kids, and in a way he also lost an innocence he had as this perfect clown for kids.

"Now now little one, why are you so blue?" I looked to see Laughing Jack was now sitting in the merry go round with me, while I made it spin around slowly.

"I just.... I can understand in a way why you hate kids Jack, when I'm on the opposite side I love kids... I want my own some day because I know the sole thought that kids can't keep their innocence forever it's because of the world we are in." I told him gently his eyes grew a little in size and he kept his claw wrapped around the merry go around.

"Not a lot of people are like you Nina, they could care less about the terrible of the world, maybe that's why I like being around you. You still have an innocence I wish I had." I carefully stuck my feet and moved so I was sitting next to him watching him rest his head on my shoulder a bit.

I slide my arms around wrap him feeling him then carefully lean his head up, being quite mindful of his nose he pressed a very small but light kiss on my lips which I wasn't prepared for. But I smiled gently leaning in kissing his lips a few times sweetly.

"Don't be so blue now, my monochrome clown." I smiled gently running my hands through his hair slowly.

He let this almost soft purr out that followed suit once he felt my hands were messing around with his hair.

"Then you my little one, have to promise me you'll get out of this slump you are in. You have much much more you have ahead of yourself to be this way. You have me looking after you now." He smiled once more pressing yet another kiss to my lips a little.

I perked up hearing the loud voices coming from the entrance.

"I'm telling you that clown is real! And I'm gonna fucking prove it." Laughing Jack then slowly grinned resting one of his arms around his knee snickering.

"Guess it's that time already isn't it? No matter the age the brats still come." He laughed a loud laugh.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna mess with them quite a bit, be careful, even here people can still see you," He poked at my nose before he was off leaving me there chuckling softly pressing my fingers right onto my lips a little curious like flicking my eyes up for just a moment.

"Did I just share a kiss with Laughing Jack?"

All Around The Merry Go Round (Laughing Jack)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora