Chapter Seven

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Nina's Pov
Halloween shortly passed,with a blur, the first few days after I slept those days away. News spread fast about a few missing kids and teens. Of course it put a downer on the town for a bit, yet just like anything else it would fade into just old news which was sad. People could forget things so easily. Slipping to oblivion.

I was laying in bed scrolling on my phone, yet I don't know why I was just randomly thinking about the kiss I shared with Laughing Jack it brought a huge flood of heat straight to my cheeks. I started scowling at myself, each time I moved my large hair bounced in place a couple times.

Nice to know it took a manic clown to show my emotions with any type of boy and what not. I heard a loud crash from downstairs, yet the loud noises was not uncommon in my house, I was use to Laughing Jack making a mess when he would come back after being gone for days.

I lazily played the game on my phone a small grunt leaving me when I felt weight on my back of me crashed down on me fast almost knocked the breath straight out of me.

"Hey Laughing Jack." I muttered trying to puff out as much air humanely posisble, hearing a small grunt escape him, before his very long and tall self attempted to lay out on my back.

"I'm tired.. I also realized this town is boring how long have you been living here?" I paused a bit counting slowly in my head, my eyes facing the ceiling.

"Uh around a couple years really, it can get boring seeing the same faces all the time. I usually just work and come home." I chuckled hearing him humming a low tune before his head was resting on top of my own, his entire head hidden in the bed of curls.

"Why don't you come move away, and move to the town were my carnival is, it's right near some woods it's perfect for you! Anti social and quiet." A soft laugh bubbles out from my throat.

"I don't really like people, but I can't just leave this house isn't paid off, and I still have a few more months at my part time job." He started doing the thing he usually did when he was thinking. I could hear his tongue clicking against his inner cheek.

"I know we can fake your death! Burn your house down easy." I snorted and rolled over a bit so Laughing Jack could land on the other side of the bed.

"Now you are just thinking crazy." I stammered out through my head laughter it was hurting my chest to think about.

"Oh come on Nina I'm being serious wouldn't you like to be closer to me, I mean there are a few others creepypasta's around your age also living near there but you'll be fine." He waved his claw out a bit staring at me.

"How does a nineteen year old have a huge house anyway living alone." He started ranting and rambling about so I quickly placed my hand over his mouth shaking with my laughter very much distracted by his presence.

"Okay okay, first you gotta shush! This house was cheap and on sale I had saved a lot money and I thought it would be a good started home for when I wanted kids in the future." He blinked his large eyes once and then twice.

"You are only nineteen and already thinking about kids? How cute." I rolled my eyes playfully. I was so more thinking this clearly.

"Alright how about this. My birthday is in less then a month, I'll be twenty I can you know sell the house does that sound okay with you?" I questioned to the seven foot clown. He then grinned almost like a child nodding his head quickly.

"Sounds good to me!" I rolled my eyes playfully how he could be such a child so much, but then again he was created for the child imagination.

"Alright I'm sleepy now, I'm gonna get some rest." I informed his bubbly self.

"You haven't been sleeping have you? Maybe I can help you?" I stared at him in confusion, resting my head back on the large plush pillow.

"And how are you gonna do that?" I chuckled watching him raise his hand up and place it right on my head.

"You just gotta trust me, give you more dreams, now go to sleep." He ordered in a small comforting tone. I started snickering not being able to take anything serious at that moment, he always did that made me laugh for no reason.

"Jeff the killer says that."

"Nina shut up so you can sleep!"

All Around The Merry Go Round (Laughing Jack)Where stories live. Discover now