Chapter Four

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Nina's Pov
It felt like it had been forever since I had last seen Laughing Jack. It was strange that I was so use to his presence.

I was use to hearing the loud laughter, the random candy around. I had caught up on the sleep I needed and I didn't really need to drink that much since I wanted a clear mind.

I still felt uncountable to leave the house, but it was a rainy day while I stood in front of the sink washing dishes. 

When the sudden bang of lightning and the loud strike of thunder had me yelping. I shut the sink off turning around quick I once again yelped when arms wrapped around to stop me from falling over.

"Careful there sweetness what's got you all spooked?"

I felt my body almost visually relax and I looked up to see Laughing Jack staring at me with a grin.

"Laughing Jack. " I breathed out hearing him let the familiar laughter out.

"The one and only don't tell me a little rain scared ya?" I huffed pulling away from him for a minute to dry off my hands.

"What? No I'm not scared of rain." I trailed but the loud flash and crash of lightning and me screaming quickly jumping into Laughing Jack.  He looked startled but he then cackled holding me.

"You are scared that's cute, I didn't think you were gonna miss me that much it's only been two weeks." I huffed embarrassed before he looked like he had an idea.

"Come on." I looked at him like he was crazy when he held out his claw for me to take. I heaved a sigh before placing my hand in his feeling him help me slip on a pair of random shoes by the door before he flung the front door open.

I stayed firmly keeping my feet pressed on the floor boards.

"What are you doing move your feet girl!" He exclaimed.

"I'm not going out there!" I yelled but he then just rolled his eyes and have an a small shove making me help yet again I landed straight into a puddle on the bottom of the steps.  My pj bottoms getting soaked.

I gasped in shocked hearing his loud cackling laughter my hair was quick to turn into a soggy mess flinging my wet hair back from all the rain, a few rolls of loud thunder and lightning.

"You are so not funny Laughing Jack." I grumbled shooting my hand out I grabbed his large leg yanking him off the steps watching him land on the grass his black hair getting completely wet.

He stopped laughing and looked at me surprised before the laughter then just left him again. I chuckled standing up feeling the rain pelted down quickly against my brown skin making me relax deeply humming out.

I haven't been out in the rainstorm in forever. I held out my hands a little suddenly feeling like a little kid again watching the water puddle around around in my palm.

I spun around a few times ignoring the lightening. I spun around more slowly twirling around in the rain letting a loud laugh out, I jump over the grass splashing in the dirty puddles feeling eyes on me.

I looked to see Laughing Jack was staring at me curious like with a small grin over his face while he sat on the grass holding his legs a bit.

"Is this why you brought me outside?" I questioned seeing him hum quietly looking away for a moment.

"Correction, I shoved you outside, but staying inside isn't normal for a girl your age, but then again teenagers are horn dogs, see the rain isn't scary." He pointed out.

I looked around up at the dark sky the rain still coming down harder then ever. The street lights lit up down the street being the only light the occasional light of people having all their lights on.

"I've always wanted to dance in the rain." I found myself  mumbling my clothes now were all the way wet.

"Go ahead." Laughing Jack told me with a strange softness in his voice. I grinned spinning around quite a lot jumping around my hair swinging around.

I just let all this energy out quite fast laughing and giggling before I grew tired flopping back on the grass my chest rising and falling with my heavy breathing and heart pounding away looking up at the sky even more.

Laughing Jack breathed out a laugh before he was petting at my hair a bit.

"How was that?" He asked me a little curious while I then chuckled quietly feeling the rain still moving down over me even more.

"That was kinda nice but I know I'm gonna get super sick." I shook with quietly laughter hearing Laughing Jack cackle out deeply.

"Don't worry I'll take care of you, you silly girl."

All Around The Merry Go Round (Laughing Jack)Where stories live. Discover now