As Juliet stood at her locker, she left someone come up behind her and wrap their arms around her waist. "Guess who?" They said then they kissed her neck. She rolled her eyes at the originality, or lack there of, and said "If it's anyone other than Jordan, I'm going to have to ask you to get off of me." She laughed and turned around to face him. He pushed her up against her locker and kissed her deep. After the weekend they had spent locked up in his room, she thought maybe he got it all out of his system, but she was wrong.

"Hey hey hey, now that's enough of that." JJ joked as he walked by. "Let the girl breathe."

Juliet pulled away from Jordan and looked at JJ as she rolled her eyes and laughed. She looked back towards her boyfriend and he said, "What are you doing tonight?"

"Señora Ortega is giving us our Spanish final a week early so next week we can relax and have a fiesta. So I'll be studying for the test on Thursday. Why?"

"I didn't know if you wanted to come over."

"Do I want to? Yes. But I can't. UCLA doesn't like slackers."

"Come on, what's one night?"

"Jordan, I'm sorry but I can't."

His head dropped to look at his feet for a brief second then he looked back up to her. "Okay, fine, sorry I asked." He kissed her one last time and said "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled before the bell rang and he turned to head for class. She watched him as he walked down the halls. She watched as girls heads followed him and he nodded at them to be polite. She smiled to herself as she thought, 'Ignore them, Jules. He's you're boyfriend and you trust him.' But she couldn't convince herself to be a fan of his fan club.

"Hey." Asher said from behind her which caused her to jump as she broke her gaze on Jordan's back. "Whoa, I didn't mean to scare you." He laughed. "Hey." She replied turning to him. "Sorry, I was just zoned out."

"So have you talked to him?"


"So you haven't? Jules, you said you would."

"And I will! But right now Jordan has so much shit going on I think me bringing you up is the last thing he'll want."

"I don't want my best friend hating me for the rest of my life."

"And you think I haven't forgot what you tried to do to my best friend? And my boyfriend and the rest of the team?"

"Hey, I thought we were good?"

"We are.." Juliet said as she trialed off and took in a deep breath.

"You good?"

Her boyfriend had so much going on in his life and instead of turning to her he's pushing her away. Her best friend is still angry with her for not fully supporting him considering going back to Crenshaw, a secret no one else at Beverly knows. And she's tried of girls looking at her boyfriend like a steak dinner. "I'm great." She lied.

"Alright, well talk to him, please."

As Asher begged her, Olivia and Layla rounded the corner, both looking annoyed with one another. Something was going on with them. Something they both were trying to keep her in the dark on too. "On one condition." She told Asher.

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