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A/N: sorry for the long delay. We just recently got back from the Bahamas so I have been so busy prepping for that trip and then trying to get back to normal life. Enjoy!!

"Olivia said I would find you here." Juliet chuckled as she walked the bleachers to Spencer who was using them for conditioning. Once he hit the bottom step next to Juliet he put his hands on top of head and was taking in deep breathes. "Yeah, this conditioning is no joke.." He replied.

She looked around like she was looking for someone. "Where's Jordan?" she asked.

"Oh, you mean boom boom?"


"That's what Simone calls Jordan."

Juliet crinkled her nose at what she was just told. "I didn't need to know that."

Spencer let out a laugh and wrapped a towel around his neck as the two started to walk. "So, how are things with Kyle?"


"Do you think him being in Georgia and you being on Cali will be hard?"

"It's not like we're dating. We're just.. I don't know. Seeing where things go."

"How are you seeing where things go when you don't even see each other?"

"Well if you put it like that." She laughed. "I don't know.. I missed him. You know? I wanted him back in my life and if this is the only way that can happen, then so be it."

"That's mature."

"Yeah.. so are the late night panty pics I sent him last night."

"I did not need to know that." Spencer laughed as he shook his head as if to shake off the mental images of the pictures she sent Kyle the night before. An alarm went off on his phone and he pulled it from his pocket, "What's that?" Juliet asked.

"It's weight lifting time. I'll check you later alright?"


"Oh hey yo, do me a favor and check on Jordan? Make sure he's up please?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure. Why not."

Juliet drove over to the house per Spencer's request. When she pulled into the driveway and looked down at her dash she saw the clock read 10:23. There was no way Jordan could still be sleeping.

She knocked on the door and there was no answer. When she tried the handle it wasn't locked so she helped herself inside. She climbed the stairs and made her way to Jordan's bedroom. The door the partially opened and she could hear him snoring on the other side. She walked right in, grabbed a pillow from the bed and hit him with it. "What the fuck?" He said startled awake as he sat up. "Morning sunshine." She told him as she threw the pillow at him and walked over to the window to open the blinds.

"Ah, what time is it?" He groaned.

"About 10:30. And Spencer already got cardio in for the day and is working of lifting now."

"Okay, and? Wednesdays are going to be my break days before scrimmage night."

"There's no such thing as break days for a collegiate athlete." She told him and she picked up the pillow again and hit him with it.

"Would you stop that?"

"No." She hit him again. This time he snatched it from her, lunged forward and hit her with the pillow. "Hey!"

"Sucks, doesn't it?"

"You're the one who is still in bed, not me."

He hit her once more and she stared at him. He wiggled his eyebrows at her with a smile on his face.

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