45. The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Start from the beginning

Before I could riffle through more of my fathers notes, I hear a click from upstairs. I place the book exactly where he left it, muttered "Nox" and slipped out of his study. Listening to soft footsteps upstairs, I froze waiting for the steps to carry downstairs. Instead, they echoed towards the bathroom. I exhaled with relief.

Before my father could catch me downstairs, I creeped to the back door. Unlocking the back door, I quickly rushed out and quietly closed the door behind me. The cold air nipped at my neck and blew my pony tail flat against my cheek. I pulled my knitted jumper over my hands and cursed myself for not wearing my coat.

I walked from the cool dark night and to the back gate. Lifting my wand to pull the latch up soundlessly, I was able to slip through the wards in silence.

"Aster" a voice hissed from the dark shadows.

If it wasn't for the familiar tone, I probably would have hexed the shit out of whoever just sneaked up on me.

Blaise stepped out of the shadows, his black coat wrapped tightly around him as he shivered.

"What are you doing here?!" I whispered harshly at him.

"I've been waiting for you for like an hour. I couldn't get through the protection spells.." he mumbles, nodding towards the back gate I had just slipped through.

"How did you get here?" I furrowed my eyes at him and looked around. The street was empty.

"I apparated" he confidently announces, giving me a beaming smile.

I chuckle at his proudness.

"I had no idea you could apparate" I mumbled, pulling him away from the house and deeper into the street.

"I've been practicing for a while now, I took the test before we left for the holidays" he admits.

I whip my head towards him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask saddened by his inability to talk to me.

"I didn't want to brag" he shrugged his shoulders.

"Please don't keep secrets from me, I can't handle any more" I say, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. He squeezes me hand back before he goes to let go but I grab it tighter.

We walk down the street hand in hand. I needed the closeness of another human to anchor me right now. I could slowly feel myself growing unstable from all the secrets and betrayals.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"You told me you needed to learn how to apparate, I'm here to teach....and make sure you don't splinch yourself in the process" he adds, giving me a slight nudge as we walk.

We reach the end of my street and approach the steps towards the beach. It was completely empty but I pull Blaise towards the far end, away from the houses overlooking the sand. My secret nook in a carved rock jutted out on one side of the sand, rock pools scattered around it.

"Well Mr Expert, teach me your ways" I announce, spreading my arms out and gesturing to the empty spread of sand we were now currently standing in.

As I focused on the Three D's: Destination, Determination and Deliberation, Blaise drew circles in the sand with his feet.

"Can you please stop that? I can't concentrate" I grumbled.

All I got was a grunt in reply but he stopped.

I listened to the wind rustling around me and thought about the wet water I wanted my feet to appear in.

Suddenly I felt like I was being forced through a very tight rubber tube and plop. My feet was successful drowning in the shallows of the sea 6 feet away from where Blaise was standing.

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