You build up hope but failure's all you've known

Remember all the sadness and frustration

And let it go

Let it go

Let it go

Let it go

Let it go

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation

You build up hope but failure's all you've known

Remember all the sadness and frustration

And let it go, let it go..."

Lightning sighed softly, once the song ended. She felt so guilty. She just didn't know who to trust. These dreams of hers were so... misguiding. What should she believe? That feeling of helplessness. It was here again. And she hated the fact that she could not do anything about it. Time flew by as she continued drawing, her mind wandering, stuck in an internal struggle. Who should she trust. 

Did she really belong here? Lightning looked back at her drawing. A drawing of her and all her closest friends. Yet when she looked at it, she saw Yorktown fade away and the distance between her and them seemed to increase, her drifting away from them. 

A few hours later...

"Sirens attacking?" Lightning exclaimed, getting to her feet and rushing to the dock where Enterprise was. 

"Yes," Enterprise replied tersely. 

"Let's go then," Bismarck spoke. Lightning just nodded as she activated her wisdom cube, her rigging forming around her as they glided out to sea, Yamato, Bunker Hill and Essex accompanying then, as well as a few other shipgirls. Lightning launched a few planes before leaping on one, Enterprise doing the same. 

"We'll go there and engage first!" Lightning yelled as their planes shot forward, leaving the other shipgirls with no chance to respond. Lightning narrowed her eyes as they located the Sirens, raising her bow and shooting an arrow at the Siren closest to her. The Siren immediately looked up, firing at her as her fighter banked to the side, the wind gusting around her. Lightning leaped off her plane, unsheathing her katana and slashing it through the air as she landed on the water softly. She whipped around, slicing her katana at the Siren, rolling to the side to avoid a shot. She twirled the deadly weapon, jabbing its point and drawing blood. 

She smirked slightly as the Siren hissed in pain. Lightning immediately took out her bow as she jumped upward, kicking the Siren hard and shooting an arrow at it, crippling it. Ever since Yorktown died, she hadn't wanted anyone else to die, Siren or not. She just wanted this war to end and hopefully, she would not have to kill anyone else to do it.  

She flipped the katana as she threw it upward, blocking a shot and grabbing it back in her hand. 

"Thanks," Enterprise called from where she was fighting another Siren. 

"They are here!" Lightning shouted, seeing that the rest of the shipgirls had arrived, firing at the Sirens. When Lightning turned, she saw another Siren, bearing a striking resemblance to Destructor. That must be Devastator, she thought. She had heard a little bit about Destructor's sister from Azur Lane's records and apparently, her power rivalled her sister's. Some even said she was more powerful. Now that her sister was dead, Devastator must be the leader of the Sirens. Lightning glided forward, shooting multiple arrows at Devastator. 

"So, Lightning, you have come. It is Time for me to avenge my dear sister!" Devastator screeched as she took out her weapon. A deadly sword. Its sharp pointed tip glinted in the sunlight as the Siren brought it down upon Lightning, who blocked the hit using her katana. 

"I have heard much about you, Lightning. Time for us to find out who truly is stronger!" Devastator spoke as she stood on the opposite of Lightning, sword at the ready. "Indeed," Lightning murmured, closing her eyes for a split second and opening them, her eyes glowing a brilliant blue as the streaks of blue swirled and crackled around her, her hair flying in the wind behind her. Their eyes locked in a fierce glare as they both rushed forward, their weapons clanging. Lightning leaned backwards, watching as the sword struck the air above her. Bringing her katana upwards, she pushed the sword out of the way, slashing her katana at Devastator as she flipped over the Siren. Seeing blood ooze out of the wound, Lightning felt a slight twinge of satisfaction. 

"You really think you all will win? Fools," Devastator spat as portals opened behind her, too many to count. The shipgirls were outnumbered, ten to one, this was a battle they could not win 

"Retreat!" Enterprise ordered as the shipgirls fell back, heading back to base as a few destroyers held off the Sirens.

Back at base...

Lightning's mind was racing. They never seemed to know what was going to happen. It was just so frustrating. Then, she remembered that feeling. Once again, she felt... detached, out of place. Then, a thought occurred to her. Turning to Enterprise, she took a deep breath before announcing, "I want to become a spy for Azur Lane..."

Muahahaha, another cliffhanger. Well, it's a little less than a usual cliffhanger but whatever. *shrugs* Anyways, hope you liked it!

~Lightningstar out

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