End of the World: The Doctor 7.6

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 84: Arc 7 Part 6


T/N: I'm nearly done with 84/103 chapters complete! 


"You don't have to waste your words with them, captain." Sun Bin strode forward and said. He reached Fang Huailin's side and continued, "The world is a mess now. There are those who snatch everything and anything that doesn't belong to them now. If they aren't willing to give us these things, then we have no choice but to have them hand it over."

"Aiya, I'll go." Zhang Gang stepped forward and said. "Now I've seen many a shameless person throughout my life, but this is the first time in my entire life that I've witnessed someone be this shameless. First you say we shouldn't be stealing or taking things that don't belong to us, but now you're spouting off something completely different. It hasn't even been that long, but now you're saying the world's a mess now so you can snatch other people's belongings as you please?"

"I just have one question for you." Zhang Gang asked. Then he rubbed his face and continued, "Doesn't your face hurt from changing so much?"

Long Ao and the other soldiers behind Zhang Gang laughed.

Fang Huailin's face turned ugly with Zhang Gang's ridicule. He growled out in anger, "I cannot allow you to take these things away. The soldiers of the 03 Base have never feared anyone. Since you won't take the easy way out, then we have to show you the hard way."

"03 Base? Oh I'm just terrified." Zhang Gang clutched his chest as he mimicked fear and said. "Dragon Team, brothers, we have been fighting against these undead zombies for the past two years now. It seems that we haven't fought with real life people for a long time. How about we take a walk down memory lane?"

Fang Huailin thought that the name 03 Base would at lease cause some fear with his opponents or at least give them second doubts. Unfortunately, they seemed to have dismissed his thinly veiled threat. Zhang Gang's attitude made his quite upset and embarrassed.

The 03 Base and the East One Base were not in the same military command. There was little contact between the two sides. Therefore, although the name 03 Base was well known within their military zone, it was actually incomparable with the East One Base. If the 03 Base was considered renowned in their military zone, then the Special Forces Unit: East One Base would be renowned throughout the country. There wasn't a single soldier who couldn't recognize the name East One Base.

If Zhang Gang and the other soldiers had stated their base's name, then it would be Fang Huailin and his group who would have the second doubts. However, Zhang Gang had been following Long Ao for many years now. He understood what Long Ao planned to do. These people bullied Mu Chen, so now Long Ao wanted to teach them a lesson.

Therefore, Zhang Gang deliberately withheld their base name. The East One Base soldiers would lull the 03 Base into thinking they were the big fish first. Then they would show them that the 03 Base were just big fish swimming in a small pond. The humiliation on top of the beating would satisfy Long Ao's desire for revenge.

"Are you done running your mouth yet? You've talked big game, now are you gonna show it or are you just gonna keep talking?" Long Ao lifted his hand, and the soldiers behind him immediately fell into an attack formation.

Fang Huailin and his soldiers immediately took several steps back and fell into formation as well.

Fang Huailin took the lead. He was an electricity ability holder, so he sent out a lighting ball. He wanted to expand the ball into an electrical grid and cause damage to everyone on the other team. He wanted them to suffer for while before they made a move.

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