Crossing Over Against a Transmigrator 4.13

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 51: Arc 4 Part 13

Author: 橘子


Qiao Chen and Xiao Qinan rode into the city. With Xiao Qinan's lead, the Flying Tiger Battalion seized the city back from the enemy forces. However, the current state of affairs was in a mess. There were many soldiers sweeping throughout the city to root out any leftover Turkic soldiers who were trying to hide in the city.

When the Turkic forces retreated, they took with them all the food and livestock they could find. There were also cries of anguish heard as the Turkic group slaughtered many bystanders on their way out.

The soldiers were unable to care for the citizens because the Turkic enemy could return and attack at a moment's notice. They needed to be on guard at the wall. They couldn't distribute food or rations either until the Xiao family's father arrived. The army forces didn't know it, but they didn't need worry about the loss in reserves because Qiao Chen asked the Zhang family to buy grain, and it was already on its way there.

Qiao Chen returned to the official city guards' residence and immediately began drawing pictures of the scenes he witnessed- even the parts he didn't. He painted everything in a modern manhua style. There were images of Turkic army successfully breaking through the city walls and then killing, looting, and burning everything they could touch. Then he drew the scenes of the Xiao family's army as they fought against the Turkic soldiers. There were panels and panels of the Xiao family soldiers heroically recapturing the city and driving the Turkic forces away. He began drawing the aftermath. Even though it hadn't happened yet, these were the things that would soon follow. Qiao Chen drew the images of the city's miserable after effects of the Turkic army's pillaging. Finally, Qiao Chen drew the Xiao family's army distributing their own food and rations to the people.

Qiao Chen drew these entire scenes for two days and two nights before he finished. Once the entire story had been told, he wanted to show them to the citizens in Luodu city. He handed the drawings to one of Xiao Qinan's subordinates and ordered him to hand the drawings to Zhang Hong as soon as possible. Qiao Chen had already notified Zhang Hong in advance to wait for the pictures. Immediately after Zhang Hong received the pictures, he had people into stone according to his personal style and methods he used. Then he printed them into a book and distributed it to the city's people.

(T/N: It's how they mass printed things back then. Carve out wood or stone in this case and then stamp the words or images onto a picture.)

Xiao Qinan quickly captured the other two neighboring cities once his father and the rest of the Xiao family army arrived. It seemed as though the Turkic army had no intentions to defend their claim on the cities they captured. Once the Xiao family's army counter-attacked, the Turkic soldiers immediately stole everything they could and left.

Therefore, even though the city had been successfully recaptured, the Turkic army didn't truly retreat. They had chosen to camp in the distance, beyond the city limits, and were able to attack again at any moment.

The Xiao family army waited for a few days, but the Turkic army had neither fled nor attacked. Therefore, the Xiao family army took initiative and attacked, but the Turkic army retreated once more. The Xiao family army chose to return to the city, station the troops at the wall, and set up camp.

The Xiao family army was baffled. Even though the Turkic army stole food along with their retreat, they would run out of food eventually. They really didn't understand what the Turkic army was planning on doing.

"What the hell are those Turkics doing? They fought before, but aren't fighting anymore. They've retreated already, but they haven't left yet." Xiao Qibei said filled with doubt.

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