Mech Engineer: System V. System 2.1

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Chapter 14: Arc 2 Part 1

Mech Engineer: System versus System

Author: 橘子


Qiao Chen will be first name Qiaoyi, last name Flock. I'm pretty sure it's Joey Flock. You'll see why.


Qiao Chen woke up to a familiar dizziness and sense of motion sickness that invaded his mind. It felt exactly like the first time he crossed over- nausea. Then he felt pain radiating from his forehead. He reached up and touched his forehead. His fingers grazed against the gauze wrapped around his head. Once the dizziness subsided, Qiao Chen opened his eyes and looked at the room.

It was a European styled and luxurious bedroom. He surmised that the current body he was in belonged to a well off family.

After observing the room for a while, Qiao Chen felt that the room was oddly familiar. Even without the system's information briefing, he seemed to have recalled a few things... The system soon began its automatic briefing. The images played in Qiao Chen's mind, and he closed his eyes to watch.

This was an interplanetary world. Nations were divided by planets and stars. In this world, women didn't exist as a gender identity. There were only males and ghers. The ghers looked like men but had the reproductive capabilities like females; the ability to conceive and bear a child. Ghers were also physically weaker than the males. The gher's outward body structure was the same as the males. The only distinguishable difference was that females had a red, plum like mark on their necks. Males did not have any marks.

This new body was a gher. His name was Qiaoyi Flock. Qiaoyi was a mech engineer. He was also the young master of an aristocratic family, and he had an engagement agreement since childhood. He and his fiancé were initially in love with one another.

After they grew up, his fiancé became a soldier. During a battle, the fiancé's mech was attacked by enemy forces and suffered a malfunction. He and the mech were swept away and crash landed on a small, remote planet. Then, he was rescued by a gher named Greene Barnett. Over the course of the emergency, they were in constant close contact with one another. This eventually ended up with strong emotions growing for each other.

Qiaoyi was at the Imperial College of Engineering while this all took place. When Qiaoyi found out that his fiancé was classified as Missing in Action, he was distraught over the thought of losing his beloved. He anxiously waited for his fiancé's safe return. Finally. his fiancé returned safely. However, he came back with some female named Greene.

Qiaoyi immediately sensed a problem. The problem lie solely with the two's interactions. He brought up the issue and only heard his fiancé, Jared's excuses "that Greene was merely his savior" and that he was "just repaying a debt of gratitude". However, Qiaoyi wasn't blind. He clearly saw those "debts of gratitude" as something much more intimate.

After Greene arrived within the empire, he followed Jared to the military base he worked at. Then Greene applied and was employed by the fifth fleet base. Greene was initially employed as the mech repairman's assistant. Qiaoyi knew this. He was worried. His fiance and some random gher were going to spend too much time together. He didn't want the two to be alone with each other anymore. After he graduated, he desperately and immediately went straight to the fifth fleet base and joined as a mech engineer.

While Qiaoyi was in school, he was considered a genious mech engineer. He made many breakthroughs and discoveries in the mech research division. Numerous bases wanted to recruit him because of this. However, he chose to work for the Fifth Fleet's ship force. With such resounding accomplishments, Qiaoyi was immediately promoted to chief engineer after he was hired.

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