The Prophecy 8.7

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 98: Arc 8, Part 7



The news of Farley's infertility soon spread among all the upper echelons of the capital planet. The Queen was furious once she caught wind of the rumors. She sent her people to find out who would actually dare to spread such frivolous rumors about the royal family. Once she found out who it was, they would pay a heavy price. However, she was doomed to be disappointed. Even after investigating it for a while, the Queen was unable to find out who was spreading this rumor. What was even worse was that the rumors didn't die down. They intensified as time passed.

It didn't matter that Tang Ao and his father had been in the South for all these years now, they hadn't been standing idly by. They planted their own people throughout the capital planet over the course of the decades they had been all but banished to the South. The current king only knew how to partake in hedonism, so his capital planet had long been deeply infiltrated by Tang Ao and his father's people without his knowledge.

The Queen's means were focused on dealing with the King's numerous lovers and keeping the palace, as well as the Prince's, firmly in her grasp. However, as a woman, she unfortunately lacked a certain courage** and knowledge that was passed down from King to Prince and was unable to control the entirety of the nation as she did the palaces.

(**T/N: I KNOW. Please know that in Chinese history, the empress had no power over governmental affairs. She was only given power to control the harem/palace. This is a statement that was made based on what the author knows and was taught.)

It was during this time of turmoil that Tang Ao offered to bring a famous doctor from the South in order to examine Farley and take care of his health. The Queen was angry at Tang Ao's intrusive offer. However, after she calmed down a bit, she felt that the best way to dispel these rumors was to allow Tang Ao's doctor examine Farley.

The queen had her doctors give Farley an extensive check up every six months. She believed that knew Farley's physical condition better than anyone else. She wasn't afraid of letting Tang Ao's doctor come take a look.

Furthermore, Tang Ao was a special person. It was more convincing to the public if it was him who proved that Farley was in perfect health. He'd be more credible than anyone from the royal family since they all had something to 'hide or lose'. Tang Ao quickly brought the doctors and their medical equipment from the South after the Queen agreed. They all went to Farley's palace for his examination.

The Queen arranged for many palace doctors to observe Farley as he underwent the examination from Tang Ao's medical professionals in order to make sure that they wouldn't tamper with any of the results. She still didn't trust the man even though she wanted to use him to quell the rumors. Farley had to undergo what was essentially a public physical to see whether or not he was infertile. And even worse, he had to announce the results to the people of the entire empire. This was very embarrassing and shameful matter for Farley. He was an extremely prideful man. However, he still had to accept his fate. If not, then people would assume that he was attempting to cover something up and slap the label of 'male infertility' on him without a second thought.

Tang Ao brought the best of the best doctors and the top equipment form the southern planets. The results would be available immediately after the physical examination was complete. Within half an hour, the doctor completed the examination and handed the results over to Tang Ao. Tang Ao took a glance at the results and then handed it over to the Queen. The Queen stared in shock at the test results in her hand. She was trembling. Then she threw the results on the table and loudly denounced, "Impossible! This is completely impossible! You must have done something. These results have to be fake!"

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