Interstellar Musicians: Competition with the Musical Genius 3.1

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Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 30: Arc 3 Part 1

We're beginning the Interstellar Musicians: Competition with the Musical Genius arc with this chapter.

Author: 橘子


"Qiaoxi, Qiaoxi. Wake up."

Qiao Chen blinked his heavy and pain-filled lids open. He came to face with a round-faced and middle aged woman shaking his shoulder.

"If you aren't feeling well, then you should go back to rest. The store isn't that busy right now anyways." Sophie looked at Qiao Chen worriedly.

"Uh, okay." Qiao Chen nodded. He stood up from the counter and felt that his body's temperature was off, and his head felt dull. It should be a fever.

Qiao Chen walked out of the pub and crossed through the alley with some vague memories tumbling in his head. He returned to the attic he had rented. There were only two rooms in it and he had the bed in the outer room. Qiao Chen collapsed on the bed and had the system force out the virus that caused his fever. After he sweat it all out, he felt much better.

This was another one of his past lives. Before the system relayed the information of the world, the vague and blurry memories in his mind became clear. When the system played the information, Qiao Chen closed his eyes again.

This was another interstellar universe. There were three genders in this world: men, women, and ghers. In this instance, all people relied on their spiritual power to survive. The stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the person.

However, whether it was through daily life or work related matters, mental strength would be used up or even damaged. Fortunately, thousands of years ago, people in this universe discovered that music had the ability to heal and restore spiritual energy. This paved that way for the music profession.

Musicians in this world, regardless of the country, were respected and revered. However, not everyone had the ability to become a musician. A strong sense of sound and spiritual strength was required for one to become an excellent performer.

Although the gher's appearance wasn't too different to that of a male, ghers were able to conceive and bear children just like women would. The majority of the top musicians were the masculine yet feminine ghers. Of course there was a small number of women and men who were excellent musicians as well.

In this world, Qiaoxi was a gher again. Qiaoxi's dream was like most ghers': to become one of the top musicians in the universe. Unfortunately, someone had destroyed Qiaoxi's dream very early in his life.

Qiaoxi's father was one of the few men to become a musician. When his father was still a boy wrought with poverty, his rare musical talent had attracted his mother's attention. His mother came from a strong and powerful background, but she didn't care. She still fell in love with this poor boy with good musical talents.

Despite his mother's side of the family opposing the marriage between Qiaoxi's parents, they married. Life after marriage was sweet and happy. Qiaoxi's grandfather loved his daughter dearly, so he couldn't bear to let her live out the rest of her life poor and destitute. He eventually gave them significant financial support to lift them out of poverty.

Qiaoxi's father worked all his life in music. He practiced and practiced until he was able to reach the sixth level. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't grow a step further. He couldn't make any further breakthrough in his performance levels, so he, like most people, gave up his dream on becoming a musician and chose a different profession. Qiaoxi's father hated that he hat to give up his dream as a musician. He wasn't able to do much about it since it was his own talents that weren't up to standard. Ultimately, he chose to become a businessman instead. With the status of Qiaoxi's grandfather within the country, Qiaoxi's father's business only kept growing and growing.

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