Daddy - Mark

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Malik (Ma-lek) is my one old son, I swear he's a mama's boy! Mark always gets mad when he wants his mommy.

9:00 In the Morning....

*Malik starts crying*

Me and Mark wakes up from Malik crying in his crib, I looked over to see this nigga still sleep so I go to the window and grab him out of his crib, "Hey mama fat baby!" I said kissing his forehead. He laid his head on my chest for a second and he grabbed one of my breast, "Oh! you only using me for your milk?" I said to him and I see his little smile showing his three teeth growing in. We went to the living room and I sat on the couch and turn on my Netflix and put on Juice, I sat down with Malik on my lap sucking his milk out my breast.

I was 16 minutes and 35 seconds in the movie when I see Mark walking in with no shirt on and some blue basketball shorts (damn makes me want another baby 🤤)  "Hey mamas" Mark said. He pecked my lips twice so I was like nawh! "Nooo! that wasn't no real kiss." I said whining make him smile.

He gave me a passionate kiss and went back to what he was doing.

"Hey fat man!" he said tickling Malik while he was cuddling with me, he was laughing playing around with him while I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. We live in a 3 bedroom apartment and 2 in a half bathrooms, I was making breakfast until arms wrapped around my waist... "what chu doin'?" I hear Mark say in a raspy voice sending chills down my spine "what it look like?" I said sounding like I have an attitude. "You giving me a attitude? don't make me put you in check." he said turning me around facing him, "Boy!" I said going back to making breakfast.

"where is my son at Marques?" I asked turning back around to him. "He watching Toy Story on Disney+" He told me. I went right back to finishing the food when Mark took me and put me on the counter. "mane! what you want Mark?" I said. "Malik need a brother..." He said smiling showing off his braces. "Who said I wanted another baby right now, and who said I wanted another son? what if I wanted a girl?" I said to Mark. I wrapped my hands around his neck waiting for his response, "mane! forget all that, he need a brother or sister so come on!" he said whining.

I started pecking my lips and it became a make-out session until I forget I was cooking...

"Oh shit! mark the food!" I said, I hopped off the counter and went back to the pancakes the look burnt on the sides which I ain't gonna lie.... be good as fuck!


We ate breakfast and I cleaned up everybody like always... and went to the bathroom to take Malik a bath...

"You ready to get cleaned fat man!" I said feeling the mild hot water in the tub. I sat him down in the tub and started splashing... I laughed. I put him some toys in the water to distract him because he don't really like baths like that, I scrubbed him down with his baby soap and washed his hair. 

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