Chapter 27

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The twins woke up in the pitch blackness.

"Roman?" Remus cried out.

"Remus!" Roman yelled back.

The twins smiled at hearing each other.

Spotlights shone on the twins.

They were side by side, just a few feet away.

"ROMAN/REMUS!" They yelled in sync. They tried getting up and running over. They were pulled back by chains on their wrists. They were attached to the floor.

"THIS IS VERY KINKY BUT NOT THE FUCKING TIME!" Remus yelled trying to make a joke and covering the fact that he was scared. His cracking voice gave him away.

A spot light went on next to them a few feet away.

They looked over and went pale.

King Creativity was there, Janus and Patton next to him.

He was screaming and crying in pain. "DECEIT, MORALITY MAKE IT STOP! IT HURTS!" He yelled as he held his head.

"I can't. I'm sorry." Janus apologized quietly as he let tears slip. "I wish this wasn't happening."
Patton stayed silent.

"That isn't what Patton said happened. He said Janus didn't care. Patton said he was the side crying." Roman said.

Remus tried to move as far away as possible. He could feel the burning. "MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE IT HURTS!"

The screaming got louder until it went dead silent.

Remus looked up and could see Janus holding 14 year old him. Patton was holding 14 year old Roman.

"I hate that you made me do this." Janus hissed as he covered Remus with his cape. Janus wore a full length cape at the time.

"Shut up snake. This was right." Patton hissed. "Was it?" Janus asked tearing up.

The spotlight turned off.

Roman looked over at his shaking twin. "Why was I cursed with remembering all of this? Why am I the twin with trauma?" Remus muttered.

"I was never told it being played out like that." Roman said. "Cause Patton is a liar!" Remus yelled. "He lied a lot about everything Roman! How can you not fucking see that?" He yelled.

"Sorry for not living with a lying snake all my life who lies to help himself!" Roman yelled back.

"Janus is nothing like that." Remus said. "Isn't he?" Roman asked.

"TAKE THAT BACK!" Remus barked at Roman. "MAKE ME FREAK!" Roman barked back.

Remus looked away from Roman. "I was happy as King and I was happy as your twin. I am happy as Remus. I am happy with my family. There is no doubt in my mind about it." Remus said softly.

The key words being 'was' and 'am'.

A red with a yellow crown handle dropped in front of Remus. It didn't match his green shackles but tried anyway.

Of course it didn't work.

Remus curled up as Roman noticed the key matched his shackles. "Remus give me the key! The key might work for me!" Roman said excitedly.

Remus didn't move. "Rem?" Roman called. "You mean 'Freak'?" Remus asked bitterly.

"Remus, I was mad. I'm sorry." Roman said. "Are you?" Remus hissed. "You make fun of me all the time. If it wasn't for Janus' entire situation, you would have made fun of me for something I have no control over, and I- I would- I would...." He started crying softly. Roman knew where Remus was going with that sentence.

"Remus." Roman said sternly. Remus tensed up. "Look. Pass the key and I can break you out." Roman demanded.

"No. You will earn this mother fucking key. If we die here then that's the price to pay." Remus mumbled.

Roman was growing angry. "REMUS GIVE ME THE FUCKING KEY YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A TWIN." He yelled out of frustration.

He heard Remus let out a shaky breath as he slid the key over. Roman blinked. "That's- that's what you wanted to hear?" Roman asked.

"I wanted to hear what you really thought of me. I had to get you mad for it to happen. I really hoped that what I was thinking wasn't the truth." Remus answered. "I was hoping for something else."

Roman unlocked his shackles and ran over. "Remus no. That's not- Remus that's not what is think of you!" Roman said as he kneeled in front of his brother. "Isn't it?" Remus asked quietly.

"No it isn't. I love you bro bro. You make me mad all the fucking time but that doesn't change that fact. I promise, it's not what I think of you." Roman told Remus.

"What do you think of me?" Remus asked. "If that what isn't what you think of me."

"Remus. You are the best twin anybody could ever ask for. You mean everything to me. I know I don't show it but I promise it's true. I hate it when I hurt you and feel horrible when I do. I'm sorry I said what I said and yelled at you." Roman told him.

A green key with a black crown handle fell next to the twins.

Roman unlocked Remus and was tackle hugged by his twin.

Roman hugged back. "That's something I've been dying to hear." Remus said.

Not like either of the twins noticed, but a spotlight faded up.

It was the twins. Age 15. A year to the day when King split. They were hugging and crying into each other's shoulder. Tears of happiness. Happy that they had someone to talk to no matter what.


The twins woke up in each other's arms. They sat up and Remus hugged Roman.

Roman chuckled and hugged him back.

They stood up and saw the path. They smiled and went down the path.

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