Chapter 7

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Third Person's POV

Roman and Irra were walking back to the Imagination doors. Roman had shown Irra the bodies and some of the villains. He was smiling and freaking out like a little kid when they get the newest console the entire time.

Irra was muttering ideas to himself as they walked while Roman was entirely silent. "Hey Irra." Roman called to get his attention. "Yeah Ro, what's up?" Irra asked before going back to muttering. "How long will Janus be out? Do you know?" The prince asked. "Oh yeah, I could tell based off how fast he was glitching." Irra informed.

They were silent. "Can you tell me how long?" Roman asked. "Oh yeah! He'll be be up in 2 hours or so. Maybe a bit less but based off him not eating I wouldn't hold my breath." Irra told him before summoning a pen and drawing on his arm.

They were silent again. Roman was taking the time into consideration. He looked over at Irra who had traded out his pen for a sharpie marker. "Oh you may want to use a different marker." Roman suggested. Irra looked at him confused. "Why?" "Those are, according to Logan, bad for your skin if you draw on your arm with them." Roman told Irra.

"Oh.... What about Crayola Markers?" Irra asked as they stopped walking. "Uh yeah those are definitely better." Roman nodded as he summoned a Lysol wipe. "Here let me clean the Sharpie so you have more room." Roman offered. Irra held out his arm and nodded.

Roman cleaned his arm. "Irra? What's this?" He asked. Irra looked at the lines Roman was pointing at. "Scars, I think." He answered. "Do you have any candy?"

Roman blinked. "How did you get these?" He asked. "Oh! I made them with a knife." Irra said as if he was proud of the self harm. "Why did you do that?" Roman asked. "I have a small kitchen and I was cutting up meat for my sandwich. I dropped the knife and it cut me! It was painful but I liked it, so I kept doing it. I only do it when I'm sad now." Irra explained. Roman became pale with every word.

"We need to get back to the others." Roman said as they started walking again. Irra nodded. "Okay!" He smiled as he started walking with Roman with a small bounce in his step.


Roman and Irra had got back to Logan and Virgil. "Logan can I talk to you for a second." Roman turned to Irra. " Irra you need to stay here with Janus. Okay?" Irra nodded and ran to Janus. The orange side cuddled up with the yellow side, as the blue and red left the room.

"What's the problem Roman?" Logan asked. "There is a lot of problems actually, but first good news. Janus could be walking up in the next 2 hours or so. Now the bad news, Irra self harms but doesn't seem to know what it is." Roman blurted out.

Logan took a second to prosses what he was just told. "What do you mean he doesn't know what it is?" Logan asked. "I saw the scars and asked him about them and he was talking about it all happily and like he was proud of them. He told me he only does it when he is sad. He doesn't know what it is. I was hoping you could tell me how he doesn't know when we all do." Roman told him.

Logan paused and stepped into the doorway. "Irra, do you remember what age you where first put away at?" He asked. "If you don't mind me asking." Irra paused. "Uhhhhh I was about 13, I was locked away a week or 2 after my 13th birthday." He told Logan. The logical side nodded and thanked him before going back to Roman.

"He seems to mentally younger than 13 years old. He developed physically like Thomas and the rest of us, but having no contact with the outside world he didn't mentally age." Logan explained. "That makes sense now that I think about it. What do we do about the self harm thing?" Roman asked.

"We tell him that it's a bad thing and when he feels sad to come to us." Logan said with a sad sigh. Roman nodded. "We shall do that then. I will tell Virgil and see if he has any input on this." Logan nodded and went back inside Janus' room and sent Virgil out.

"You rung for an emo nightmare?" He smirked.


Roman had told Virgil about Irra. It was now 2 hours later since that very upsetting conversation went down. Virgil had been cuddling with Irra the entire time and not answering the young sides questions onto why he was all cuddly all of a sudden. Irra didn't mind though, he enjoyed the cuddles.

Logan and Virgil were reviewing the past month in their heads. Their concentration was broken a few times as Irra wanted candy and they had to give him some to keep him quiet. Their concentration was broken this time not because of Irra, but something else.

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