Chapter 21

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Patton waited for all the sides to fall asleep. He went into the darks quietly. He sighed, he wanted his family back.

That was the worst morning for all the dark sides.

It started with Janus.

He woke up at his usual time of 9am. He scratched his scales and groaned. "Motherfucking shedding."

He yawned and put on his glasses, Janus needed glasses but he wore contacts, only the Dark Sides knew about this.

He walked to the bathroom to shower he looked at the mirror and teared up.










Those were some of the things written on his mirror. He wiped his tears and shook his head. "It's my imagination. I'm still tired." He thought.


Janus got out of the shower and got dressed. He was dared yesterday by Irra and Remus to  wear a dress. Janus said he'd do it as long as he could pick. They were okay with it.

Janus picked a yellow sweater dress with black tights, with his normal hat and gloves.

He looked in the mirror, the same writing as he found in the bathroom, both signed with a crown. He sighed, trying to not let it get to him. He summoned cleaning supplies and started cleaning the mirror. "Lip stick?" He mumbled as he cleaned it and noticed the smudging.

Janus cleaned the mirrors. He sighed and heard someone scream.

——With Remus——

Remus had woken up a while ago to his alarm, he had so ideas to make a reality and seriously needed to get shit done. He chucked his alarm clock across the room and stumbled over to his desk.

He screamed like he was being murdered.

King Creativity's old crown was covered in blood. He started crying and screaming. Janus and Virgil ran into the room. Logan and Roman ran in a second later.

"Remus what happened?" Virgil asked. Remus pointed at the crown and the Darks went completely pale. Roman just stared and Logan blinked.

Remus remembered the burning pain and screaming from being split. It was traumatic to him and everyone knows this extremely well.

Virgil hugged Remus. "Hey Remus. I want you to breathe for me." Janus told Remus softly as he held Remus' hand and ran his thumb over Remus' knuckles.

Remus nodded and did the breathing excises that Virgil uses during a panic attack. Logan took the crown away and cleaned the blood.

"W-w-who would do such a thing?" Roman asked. Virgil looked at Roman like he was stupid. "PATTON FUCKING DID THIS! HES THE ONLY ONE WHO KEPT HIS CROWN AND HAD A REPLACEMENT CROWN! PATTON IS TRYING TO MESS WITH REMUS' HEAD!" He yelled.

"Then why was all my mirror messages sighed with a crown?" Janus asked. "Someone left harmful messages for me on my mirrors this morning. All signed with a crown."

Janus knows Roman didn't do it. He knows he would be found out quickly. Virgil glared at Roman.

"I swear I didn't do it!" Roman said as if he could read the sides mind. "He didn't Virgil. Patton did it. It's clear." Janus said before the purple side could harm the red.

"W-why would Patton be doing this?" Remus asked after finally calming down.

"I'm not sure but-" "GUYS! We have a problem!" Logan yelled from down the hall.

Everyone went over to where Logan was.

Irra's door is gone. On the spot where it should be is drawings of slits someone would make with a razor across their wrists. Caution tape was on the wall.

"Fuck." Everyone but Logan mumbled.

Janus and Roman immediately started taking the wall down and making his door appear.

"How did Patton put up the wall?" Logan asked. "Not the fucking point specks!" Virgil yelled.

When it did, a scream louder than Remus' could be heard through it. Irra was calling out for them.

Logan opened the door.

Irra was sitting in the middle of his room with a bunch of knives and razors, blood on all and on the floor around him.

His arms and thighs covered in blood. Logan, Remus and Virgil ran over to Irra.

Remus got rid of the weapons as Logan and Virgil cleaned and stitched up the deep cuts Irra made.

Remus cupped Irra' face. "Hey hey. Irra! It's Remus. It's okay, we are right here." Logan and Virgil finished stitching and wrapping up the stitches.

Irra was shaking, but wasn't screaming anymore. "I-I-I can't- Rem- I-" He screamed again, in pain this time. Irra clutched his hair.

Remus recognised that scream. "He's trapped in his head." He mumbled, as this is something that happens often to him.

"How do we get him out?" Roman asked.

Janus teared up. "We can't." He said quietly. "Not without a few things."

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