Chapter 26

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There's a huge time skip coming up.


Third Person POV
A Year Later

"WHAT'S UP, FUCKERS!" A loud blonde burst through the door of the large house. The oak doors almost hit the walls, but a certain redhead caught them before they could make any more of a ruckus. 

"STOP BEING SO LOUD!" Another voice yelled from the second floor. 

"Come on, Liam," Bakugou cooed. "You know you love me." His old attitude drew back as his more mature and teasing fashion shone. Chuckling followed a dirty blonde down the stairs.

"Alright, you got me. But, you guys can't be too loud. Pansy is coming over today. You already made a really bad impression on her the first time you met her."

"That was 6 fucking months ago."

"Maybe tone down a little on the swearing," Kirishima patted his boyfriend on the back, still in awe of the fact that Liam lived in this huge house. 

A lot has changed over the past year. 

"Sorry, babe."

A whole lot.

Firstly, UA finally bought the orphanage and custody of all the kids were passed from Ms. Parker to UA. Thank god. Bakugou eventually forgave Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic because he understood deep down what they were doing, though I never say it was easy. Katsumi and Zoey are both now 11, still dating, or whatever you call it, and the two of them dream to be heroes like their big brothers. 

That's right, Midnight adopted Zoey a few months after UA bought the entire orphanage. Later, she also asked to adopt Liam and he joyfully said yes. Now the two are officially brother and sister, even if it isn't by blood, it still feels the same.

The school hired caring and companionate employees to work at the orphanage. Class 1-A and Liam all still stop by and help out when they can, making friends with said workers. Many of the kids got adopted, and are now happy in their new homes, though most still stay in touch with their old friends. 

Kirishima and Bakugou are in their second year of UA and both became more mature and for Bakugou, less angry. 1-A became a happy family, even if Bakugou and Deku didn't always get along, they still appreciated each others talent. How that happened, well that's a whole other story. The class even adopted Katsumi, Zoey, and Liam into their small family. Often having nights over in the dorms or at Midnight or Aizawa's houses. 

Liam also got a girlfriend, Pansy Parkinson. (a/n: *wink *wink) She had brown hair that went a little below her shoulders and soft green eyes with a blinding smile. They met when Liam was making a trip to the grocery store. Hitting it off instantly, they soon became a couple.

Life was perfect.

"It's fine," Kirishima reassured Bakugou. "When is she coming over?"

"Uh," Liam looked at his watch before his eyes widened. "Oh shit! She's gonna be here in ten minutes!"

"Ha, sucks then." Bakugou smirked.

"Help me clean up!" Liam dashed around the living room, throwing trash away and tidying the stack of books and a bunch of other random stuff that was lying on the coffee table.

"Nah," Bakugou grabbed Kirishima's arm and started towards the door. "Seems like you're busy right now. I'll come back later."

"Wh-," Liam looked up and saw only the blonde teen's head poking through a small gap between the door and the wall, grinning. 

"See ya!" Retracting his head, the boy made a move to close the door but not before shouting, "Remember, the lotion is in the top drawer!"

Slamming the door shut, Bakugou dashed off, tailing Kirishima. 

Through the door, he could hear someone shouting, "FUCK YOU!"



Bakugou has a sister?! (Soft Bakugou AU)Where stories live. Discover now