Chapter 23

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I know you guys are probably done with these things, but please read!!!!!!

I know I said I won't be posting too much, and sorry for those of you who wanted the Liam x Bakugou, I will make it, in a separate book, but it might take a while for me to post it. I'm juggling writing almost 10 books on WP, and school. So, please don't be mad if I don't post for like a week!


Third Person POV

"This is our house, well, yours now, too." Mr. Aizawa stepped aside, letting the blonde teenager and his little sister look at the house. 

It was medium-sized with wooden floors and white plaster walls. The kitchen was tucked in the back left corner with marble countertops and black cabinets. A grey couch stood in front of a bookshelf and a flatscreen TV. A few scratching posts were against the wall. Cat toys were scattered throughout. A hallway branched off on the right-hand side, leading to the bedrooms.

"Are you sure you have room for us?" Bakugou asked.

I sound so fucking soft, what the hell?  (a/n: I'm just now realizing how OOC I made Bakugou... Well fuck-)

Mr. Aizawa chuckled, "Yeah, just because I'm an underground hero, doesn't mean I also don't get paid."

"Yeah, I guess.."

Present Mic walked forward, "Now, I know we didn't really tell you guys this, but we do already have two other people living here."

"What?!" Bakugou barely restrained his voice.

"Who are they?" Katsumi asked shyly, basically glued to her brother's leg, just like their first day at the orphanage. 

"You already know them." Mr. Aizawa cupped his hands around his mouth and called out. "Come on down already!" 

Two figures stepped out from the shadows of the hall. One was significantly taller than the other.

"Hah?! What the hell are you guys doing here, Short Stack?! Insomnia?!"

The Next Day

"Hey," Bakugou walked into the kitchen, still tired from the lack of sleep the night before. "What can I eat for breakfast?"

"Oh, there's cereal in the top cabinet." Mr. Aizawa barely looked up the stack papers in front of him. 

"Uh-huh..." The blonde looked at his teacher skeptically. 

The Next Day (I know there's a lot of time skips)

"Where are you going?" Present Mic quirked a brow.

"I'm going to hang out with Shitty Hair, Flex Tape, Pinky, and Dunce Face. Why?"

"Nothing," The pro hero returned to the work in front of him, all of the papers were splayed out messily on the coffee table. "Have fun, but make sure to come back before dinner."

"Whatever," Bakugou grumbled. 

The Next Day

"I'm going to visit the orphanage with Katsumi," Bakugou yelled from the doorway. He waited for a second but didn't hear any response. 

"What?" Katsumi asked, looking at the expression on her brother's face.

"Nothing, Sumi. Let's just go."

The Next Day

"Okay, what."

"Huh?" Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa were both at the kitchen table, practically drowning in paperwork. 

"You guys have both been practically ignoring both me and my sister for the past three days that we've been here. And I doubt all of that is hero paperwork." (a/n: He still has a few issues with trusting them because of the previous owner of the orphanage and how she was such a bi-)

"I'm sorry," The Voice hero said sorrowfully. "But this is all hero paperwork." Bakugou narrowed his eyes.

"Sure it is. Do you just not want us?"


"That's just sick. If you don't then we'll just stay out of your way, then. Continue lying. I don't care anymore." With that, Bakugou turned on his heel and left the two adults looking down.

"Should we tell him?" The neon blonde-haired one asked.

"It would ruin the surprise, but I can't handle him thinking that we don't want him." Mr. Aizawa sighed, massaging his temples.

"I'm almost all done, same with Nemuri, Snipe, Ectoplasm, Nezu, and Ken (a/n: Cementos)."

"I got a few more," The tired adult looked back at the hallway where their newly adopted son left. "I guess we just have to wait it out, then."

"I guess so.."

Bakugou has a sister?! (Soft Bakugou AU)Where stories live. Discover now