Chapter 13

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Third Person POV

"B-Bakugou...?" Kirishima asked groggily.

It was early in the morning, the sun wasn't even up yet. Kirishima was woken from his slumber by a small faint whimpering coming from the other side of the room.

"Bakugou?" The redhead pried his eyes open, splotches danced in his vision. Another quiet whine cut through the silent air.

"N-no, d-d-don't go..." 

"Are you okay?" Kirishima slowly got up from the bed, the cold air hitting his bare legs.

"Hey, Bakubro!" The teen tried to gently shake the other awake. Kirishima's eyes widened.

The blonde's face was contorted into one of fear and sadness, tear streaks trailed down his cheeks.

"Bakugou!" He shook his, new, boyfriend more ferocity. 

"D-Don't! Pl-lease!" The blonde sobbed. His cries buried a knife deep into Kirishima's heart.

"Hey, hey, you're safe..." The boy whispered, moving to sit on the bed, drawing shapes and letters on Bakugou's back. Kirishima continued to serenade the other in reassurance as the sounds faded away into soft snoring. 

Kirishima continued to comfort Bakugou till the sleepiness caught up to him, his eyelids drooped and his head felt heavy. 

"I love you, Bakugou...."


Sorry for the short chapter, I just needed to get something out! 

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