Chapter 18

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Third Person POV

Kirishima was almost finished his homework when his phone started ringing.

"Hey, Bakubabe!" He smiled cheerfully, only to be greeted with the sound of his voice breaking. This immediately put him on edge.


"I-I th-, ahem, think I m-made a mistake..."

Huh? A mistake?

"What do you mean? Do you want me to come over?" The boy slowly stood up, his eyes seemed to be searching for the other around his dorm, not caring if he knew that Bakugou was blocks away.

"Uh, yeah... please..."

If Kirishima wasn't already worried enough, this certainly did it. 

Bakugou saying please?

Even if the redhead was able to see a softer Bakugou, saying please was a bit much. Quickly running out of his room and into the common room filled with people laying on the couches and talking. Ignoring all the sounds and waves, Kirishima grabbed his coat and stumbled out the door wearing only one shoe, the other in his hand, trying to find its way onto his foot.

"What's up with Kirishima?" Kaminari asked once the teen left. Some attention moved to the electric boy.

"What do you mean?" Momo questioned politely. 

"He didn't talk or even look at any of us."

Deku pondered the thought, "Maybe he was just in a hurry."

"Yeah, maybe." The teen shrugged, forgetting the idea already. Everyone else who was listening waved it off too, going back to what they were doing before the anxious redhead plowed down the stairs.

With Kirishima

"Bakugou?!" The UA student was knocking on the orphanage door furiously. Panic rising in his throat, his mind raced with all the things that could've happened.

He made a mistake?

Is he hurt?

Did he try-, no, Bakugou is too manly for that. I'm just being paranoid.

"K-Kirishima..?" The teen frantically looked up. Standing in the doorway was a familiar sniffling blonde.

"Bakugou!" He embraced the red-eyed boy immediately, slowly walking inside and closing the door behind him.

"Shhh, it's okay.. I'm here..." Kirishima soothed his distraught boyfriend. 

"I think I m-," The blonde coughed. "I m-messed up.."

An Hour Later

"Hey, it's okay... I'm sure Liam had his reasons, just like you did for taking up the offer." Bakugou had just calmed down enough to tell the other what had happened. 

"But what if I fucked up what we had?"

"I'm sure that he'll understand," Kirishima reassured the other. 

"He probably just needed some time to-,"

"Hey, Bakugou?" Both boys looked up so fast, you'd be surprised that they didn't get whiplash.

"Can I talk to Bakugou real quick?" Liam muttered, shuffling around. His eyes darted around the room, never once glancing at the previously crying teen.

"Sure, I'll be right outside." Kirishima stood up and shot Bakugou a quick look before leaving, the door closing behind him.

"So," Bakugou awkwardly stood. "What'd you want to talk to me about?"

"Well..." Both boys couldn't take the guilt and nervousness eating away at their guts any longer, and Liam and Bakugou both blutered out,

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry!"

Bakugou has a sister?! (Soft Bakugou AU)Where stories live. Discover now