Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

It was the week that Liam was going away, and Bakugou was a wreck.

You would be too if you were going to spend an entire week with your crush. Alone.

Bakugou was seriously regretting all his life choices. Mumbling and pacing around, the blonde didn't even hear the ringing of the doorbell until one of the other older teens walked into the room.

"Hey, Kat. Who's ringing the doorbell?"

"Huh?" Bakugou's head snapped up, finally hearing the dinging of the doorbell. He smiled sheepishly and ran out of the room to the front door.

Okay, it's fine. Just act normal. Everything's going to be fine....

A few deep breaths later, the teen opened the door, a smiling redhead greeted him and Bakugou invited him inside.

"Thanks for choosing me, bro!" Kirishima smiled.

"It's fine, Shi- Dumb Hair." Bakugou corrected himself before the kids heard him. Kirishima raised a brow.

"Not cursing, huh? That's manly!" The other just rolled his eyes and led his friend into the house.

"You already know where everything is, so just drop off your stuff at my room."

"Uh," Kirishima looked around in confusion.

"What, S- Dumb Hair?"

"I don't know where your room is?" 

"Ugh," Bakugou groaned, trudging down one of the hallways. "Follow me."

"Thanks, bro."

"Whatever..." Bakugou mumbled, turning to face the front so Kirishima couldn't see the light blush on his face.

How is he so cute?!

After wasting the entire time walking to his room questioning how the literal sunshine behind him existed, Bakugou arrived and led Kirishima inside.

"Okay, where do I put my stuff?"

"Over there." Bakugou pointed mindlessly at the other bed, but he noticed that the other hesitated.


"Isn't that Liam's?"

"Yeah, so what? You got a problem with that?" The blonde started narrowing his eyes.

"O-Oh! Uh, no, that's not what I meant!" The redhead quickly apologized and laid out his stuff on and around the bed.

"What do we do now?" Kirishima flopped down on 'his' bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"I'm going to tell you the schedule that we're gonna use for the time that Liam isn't here, dipshit."

"Oh, okay."

I guess not cursing didn't last long. Kirishima commented.

"How hard could it be?"

Bakugou just smirked.

After Explaining

"What the heck?! You're supposed to do all that?!" Kirishima exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"Yup." Bakugou popped the 'p'. 


"I dunno." The explosive teen started scrolling through his phone.

Putting his head in his hands, Kirishima groaned, "Why me?"

"Cause I chose you." 

"I know...."

Bakugou has a sister?! (Soft Bakugou AU)Where stories live. Discover now