Chapter 9

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So, I decided to continue because you guys really wanted me to.
But, be warned, I only have like two ideas, and they're all the ones that you guys gave me, so it might end soon.


"Hey guys, I'm-," Liam stopped himself. The large playroom was empty.

Huh... Did they go outside?

Liam had decided that he was going to check in on the others during lunch today, but he'd gotten a held back by the teachers.

Yeah, probably. Maybe Bakugou's here. (a/n: No Ship {finally decided})

Dropping his bags off at their shared room, he stopped by all the other bedrooms to double-check. 

Yeah, they're definitely outside.

All the rooms were empty besides for the older kids'. Walking to the back door, he could hear the sounds of playful chattering and laughter. But, Liam crinkled his eyebrow. 

Why do some of the voices sound older? Is someone here to adopt? But then that would mean that Mrs. Parker here?

His expression soured at the thought of the stupid bitch. Leaving all these orphans defenseless, if he and Bakugou weren't here, then who knows what the smaller ones would've done or become. 

Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, Liam pulled the sliding door open. He was greeted with the familiar sight of kids playing and rolling on the green grass. He smiled slightly, but it quickly turned into confusion.

"Uh, who are you?"

Sitting on the patio, was a bunch of teenagers and one adult. They definitely weren't here to adopt, unless a 16-year-old could somehow be able to live on a sleepless schedule, though the adult seemed to have that part down pretty well.

"Huh? Oh, hi!" A green-haired boy spoke. "I'm Deku, we're visiting from UA."

"Ohh," Liam nodded. "I'm Liam."

"That's a manly name, bro!" A bright smile flashed in front of his face. Liam blinked a few times before finally being able to see again.

"Uh, thanks?"

"No problem! Sorry about that, I'm Kirishima!" The teens then went around and introduced themselves.

"So, how long are you guys going to be staying here? Not to sound mean or anything," Liam added.

"It's fine," The teacher, Mr. Aizawa, said. "We shouldn't be here for too long. Maybe just for another hour or two."

"Okay, that's nice." Liam turned away, starting to walk towards a few kids until a thought stopped him.

Wait, didn't Kat say he went to UA?

Slowly turning back, he walked towards Mr. Aizawa.

"You guys said that you were from UA, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, do you know someone named, Bakugou Katsuki?" Mr. Aizawa seemed to tense for a moment, then relax again.

"Yeah, he's actually one of my students."

"Oh, really?" Liam asked. "That's cool."

"I'm guessing you know him because he lives here?"

"Yeah, where is he anyway?" The teen scanned the groups of children.

"Um, over there?" He pointed towards where Bakugou was sitting. "Why?"

Bakugou has a sister?! (Soft Bakugou AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora