Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

"Hey, Kat!" Bakugou turned around and was greeted with a waving Liam running up to him.

"Oh, hey, Liam. Did you get out of lunch?"

"Yeah, but I need to tell you something before I go back. You seem to have everything in control here."

"Of course I do, I'm not a doofus." Bakugou rolled his eyes and Liam just chuckled.

"Well, what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh, yeah. Well, my school's going on a long-distance trip to America for a week in a few days."

"No way," Bakugou had always wanted to go to America, they had some pretty cool heroes there.

"That's neat. I can take charge."

"Are you sure?" Liam looked at him worriedly.

"Yeah, what do you take me as? A bratty weakling?"

"I mean," Liam was shut up by a thwack to the head.


"Ha, serves you right."

"Whatever, what I meant to say, was that I've done it before and it takes a lot out of you. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"Yeah, if I get too tired I can just ask someone to come with me, now that they've met the kids."

"Someone from your class?" Liam asked. "Like overnight?"

"I mean, uh, sure?" Bakugou wasn't really going for that. He groaned internally, spending a week with any of his classmates seemed like hell. He just said that to get Liam off his back.

"What about the redhead?"


Okay, maybe not that bad.

Bakugou looked at the, normally, smiling redhead who, now, was bright pink and desperately trying to breathe properly while Mina was laughing her ass off next to him. The blonde just looked on in confusion.

"What are they doing?" He asked. Liam smiled a knowing smirk. 

Yeah, he heard them. His quirk allowed him to be able to hear things up to 100 feet away from him. After feeling someone bore holes into the back of his head, he activated his quirk, overhearing from Mina and Kirishima that the sharp-toothed boy apparently likes Bakugou and was jealous of Liam. 

Don't worry, Liam didn't see Bakugou like that. It was more of a brother and close friend type of bond. And to be honest, he thought that Kiribaku was sort of cute. Now just to make it happen.

"I dunno." He lied. "So, Kirishima?"

"Uh, s-sure." A slight tint of pink could be seen on the boy's cheeks. 


Liam inwardly squealed. Now he definitely knew that Bakugou liked him. It seems like the Mina, girl, also shipped them. So he would probably tell her later.

Bakugou knew that he liked Kirishima for a while now. Probably ever since the first day of school. He didn't know why. Maybe it was the redhead's contagious smile or his bright and happy personality. Either way, he thought that it was cute as heck.

"Okay, I'll tell him on my way out," Liam said, walking away.

"Oh god, what did I do?" Bakugou muttered, sighing, seconds after Liam left. He was going to spend a week with his crush. Kirishima didn't even know he liked him. 

What if he thinks that I'm a freak? No, Kirishima wouldn't do that, he's openly gay, so that's a plus, too.

But, a whole week with him? 


Fuck me...

WIth Liam

"Hey, Mina and Kirishima, right?" Liam walked up to the pair of teens. Kirishima automatically glared at him.

Woah, okay, he really likes him then. Even better.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about him." Mina apologized, elbowing Kirishima in the ribs. He grunted and stopped glaring, settling on giving the other a stink eye.

"Hey, chill out. I'm not gonna steal your man." Kirishima's eyes widened, his glare completely gone, replaced with a gaping mouth.

"Wh-, H-, I-, H-How?" He stuttered.

"It's fine, I'm not gonna tell him," Liam chuckled as the teen sighed in relief.

"Thank you, sorry about that. But how did you know?"

"It's my quirk, I can hear things up to 100 feet away." 

"That's cool," Mina commented. "Anyways, what did you want to talk to us about?"

"Well, I think that I should tell your teacher first, but I'm here to give you guys a heads up."

"Huh?" Kirishima looked confused.

"What do you mean?" Mina mimicked her friend's expression.

"I'm going to leave for a week on a school trip to America in a few days and I know that taking care of all the kids and doing your own stuff gets to be a lot of handle. So, he suggested that he would just ask someone to stay with him."

"Uh, okay?"

"We both decided on Kirishima."

"Wh-, Me?!" Th teen's face was as red as his hair.

"Yeha, you two seem close from what Bakugou told me."

"Wait, he tells you about me?" For some reason, this made the boy smile even larger and a warm feeling to blossom in his chest.

"You are head over heels for him." Mina sighed. Part of her was happy, but the other part questioned whether or not Bakugou liked him. Was she just hyping him up for no reason, making him all happy and confident just for his heart to be broken?

Liam noticed Mina's expression and he reminded himself that he had to talk to her.

"Yeah, anyways, I'm not sure if your parents or teacher will agree, but he suggested that you stay here with him during the week."

"Wait, what?!" Kirishima yelled, his heart beating a mile a minute.

"Yeah," Liam laughed. "Don't worry, you're going to be fine."


"Besides," Mina cut in. "He definitely likes you." The doubt in her eyes grew when she saw him smile brightly and look at Bakugou with heart eyes.

"Hey, Mina? Can I talk to you?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." Mina got up and followed Liam.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Mina asked once they rounded to the side of the orphanage. 

"Well, I may have news about your ship."

"Huh?" Mina raised a brow. "What about it?"

"Well, I can confirm that Bakugou likes Kirishima." Mina was speechless.

"Uh, earth to Mina?" Liam waved his hands in front of the other teen's face.

"EEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Mina squealed.

"I think I'm deaf now." Liam unplugged his ears.

"Ha, sorry!" Mina grinned sheepishly, or at least tried to. She was so happy that her smile wouldn't come off her face, no matter how hard she tried.

"I'm just so excited!!!" She jumped up and down like a child at the candy store. Liam just laughed.

"It's fine, we jut gotta make sure that our ship sails." The two peaked around the corner, looking at Kirishima and Bakugou, who had just joined him, sitting on two of the chairs on the patio.


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