Chapter 6

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Third Person POV


"KIT-KAT!" Oh shit.

"Kit-Kat?" Class 1-A asked simultaneously. 

"I'll leave you guys be. Just call my name if you need me. It's Mrs. Parker." With that, the woman scurried out the door.

"She took my brush!"

"You're home!"

"What are you doing?!"

"Get off me!"

"Give it back!"


"It was so much better without you- Hey!"

"You know you missed him."

"He said a naughty word!"

"QUIET!" Bakugou yelled. The kids immediately shut up, knowing listening to Bakugou was better than ignoring him. But, the class thought the kids were acting that way because of a different reason. They turned to Bakugou, many looked at him with rage, others with disbelief. 

"What?" Bakugou asked, scowling. He needed to keep his reputation as much as he could here. At least he didn't curse.

"Why would you do that?!" Iida screamed.

"You're so mean!" Uraraka spat.

"That wasn't very nice, Bakugou." Todoroki eyed him.

"Bro, that wasn't manly," Kirishima said, sounding hurt.

"What are you-" Bakugou was so confused. Why are they all yelling at me?

"Kacchan, why would you scare them?!"

"I scared them?!" Bakugou finally said in a disbelieving tone. The class stopped yelling at him for a second. 

"Yeah!" Deku said, waving his hands, gesturing to the kids sitting quietly. They all wore confused faces. 

Why are the other older kids yelling at our Kit-Kat?

"Look at them!" Jirou exclaimed. "Their terrified!"

"Are you serious?!" Bakugou let the scowl slip off his face.

"You shouldn't be yelling at them!" Momo glared at Bakugou, who was just standing there, mouth gaping. He finally clamped his mouth shut.

"You think I scared them?! DO THEY LOOK-"

"BAKUGOU!" Mr. Aizawa yelled, shutting him up. They both looked furious. 

"K-Kit-Kat?" The class turned to the kids sitting in the room. Uraraka's face softened upon seeing the five-year-old.

"Yes, sweetie?" She asked, bending down to the girl's height. 

"W-Why are you yelling at Kit-Kat?" Uraraka and the rest of the class stared at the girl.

"What do you mean?" The teens were all confused. None seeing Bakugou in the back silently fumming and rubbing the brink of his nose. How are my classmates so fucking dumb?!

"Y-You're yelling at Kit-Kat!" The girl screamed this time. Her eyes were watering, lip quivering.

"Look what you did, Bakugou!" Iida turned to the hot-head. Bakugou's eyes were wide. He looked between his class and the kids.

"Are you dumb?!" He looked at everyone. "She's-"

"Bakugou." Mr. Aizawa's gaze was cold. "I need to talk to you in the hallway." Bakugou was shaking with anger by now.

"Fine." He spat. If they'd let me get a fucking sentence in, they would know what the fuck I'm talking about!

"Sorry about him." Deku smiled warmly at the girl once Bakugou and Mr. Aizawa left. 

The girl burst into tears and started wailing uncontrollably. The class panicked.

"Um, why are you crying?" Deku tried. The girl continued to cry. The others in the room started tearing up, too. 

"Please stop!" Momo begged. 

"How do we get them to stop?" Kirishima freaked.

"I don't know!" Mina looked around frantically. 

"What the heck did you guys do?!"

Earlier In The Hallway

"Bakugou, your behavior is unacceptable." Mr. Aizawa had closed the door behind him and Bakugou and was now lecturing him.


"No buts, if you yell one more time, or make them scared, you will be expelled."

"WHAT?!" Bakugou yelled. "That's not fair! You don't even-"

"Wait, what's that sound?" Mr. Aizawa perked up, and looked around. "It sounds like crying." He observed.

"Wait, crying?" Bakugou asked. Oh shit! He flung the door open and was met with the sight of crying toddlers and kids and Class 1-A freaking out.

"What the heck did you guys do?!"


"Bakugou!" Uraraka's eyes flashed in anger. "What are you doing here?"

"Why are they crying?!" He panicked.

"You made them cry!" That's it.

"NO I DIDN'T!" Bakugou yelled. He was beyond mad. Everything stopped. The kids stopped crying, the students stopped freaking out, and Mr. Aizawa stopped questioning his existance. 

"What are talking ab-" Deku was cut off when a blonde blur ran straight into Bakugou, throwing their arms around his waist.

"Woah!" He exclaimed, stumbling back a few feet. The class drew in a sharp breath, waiting for Bakugou to explode and make the kids even more scared. But, to everyone's shock, Bakugou hugged back.

"What happened?" He asked in such a gentle tone, the class had to rub their eyes to make sure they weren't imagining it.

"S-Som-meo-one t-t-tried t-to l-look-k u-up m-my skirt!" The girl sobbed. Bakugou's eyes turned cold. Small explosions could be heard crackling in his palms.

"Who. The. Hell. Hurt. My. Sister."

Bakugou has a sister?! (Soft Bakugou AU)Where stories live. Discover now