Chapter 18- Space + Death

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So I think this is gonna be Wrens Pov but also 3rd person combined so as you should know by know I am very bad at my points of views when I write so anyways on with the story but remember that Wren doesn't know that Josephine is actually Clark and that Murphy and Emori are actually on Clark's side. Oh and also this chapter was written right after the others I am just on a writting streak today. Also I totally forgot to add this in but Russell figured out that Wren and Raven are related so he doesn't like Wren anymore. But he doesn't know that she's Murphy and EMORIS daughter yet. She also got some of her memories back but only a few. I also forgot to add that in. I'm not sticking to my story line at all. So at some point I will have to go back and add that in.

Wren/ 3rd person PoV

My aunt Josie walked in. Except yo all of them I was dead know, and I wanted them all dead know. She looked at me and I looked at her a gag in my mouth but not in Raven or Jackson's mouth.

"Thank god" Russell said to Josephine as she walked in. He walked up behind her. She turned and looked at him. "Where have you been." He asked her.

"I was looking for Priya. But then I was blocked by a bunch of Gabriel's lunatic children. She's dead by the way" she said "what I'm the world is going on." She added on. Asking Russell. I wasn't really my self anymore, and Priya wasn't Delilah but it was still kinda sad to know that Delilahs body had been killed.

"We're leaving Sanctum until is purified" said a voice behind us. I try to turn to see who it is.  But the guard doesn't let me. The person walks up to Clark. It's Abby/ Simone.

"Simone" says Josephine. She looks like she's about to cry.

"Your mother murdered her mother. Ironic don't you think" says Gabriel. Josephine walks up to him.

"Don't you speak to me." She says and then smacks him in the face. Tears start to come down her eyes. "How could I have ever loved such a traitor." She adds on. She starts to cry some more. Simone then walks up to her and turns her around so she's looking at her.

"Oh Josie. At least you have closure." She says. Russell then interrupts her.

"That's enough. Now that we're all accounted for, it's time to go. Have we all taken the antitoxin." He says. Josephine looks confused.

"Go. Where." She asks and she walks up to her brother. Her sister in law following her.

"To space of course. Sanctus has lost us. For now anyway." Says Simone

"We have no pilot. Priyas dead. Maybe if you didn't kill the Lees" says one of the primes who I can't remember her name. Simone then turns around and walks towards Raven.

"That won't be a problem. We don't need the lees, do we Raven." Simone says.

"Go float yourself murderer." Raven says. Simone looks at her once. Raven doesn't make a move. Simone then takes one of the guards guns and puts it to my head. I'll be honest I'm scred but I know she won't shot me. She needs my nightblood. All of the Earth people also Josephine tense up at this.

"How about now." She says. Raven doesn't answer "you have 3 seconds. 1......2....." she says.

"Okay" Raven says. All of the Earth people plus Josephine relax a bit at this.

"Good choice" says Josephine. Simone then takes the gun from my head and puts it down.

"Excellent" Russell says calmly "Guards take the prisoners" he now says very sternly.

"Yes sir" the guards say. They then grab me, Raven, and Jackson. He pushes me and I glare at him.

"We're using the tunnel but be prepared for anything." He says

"Goodby old friend. Sanctum is yours. Though I suspect you won't last very long." Russell adds. He then walks I'm out of the room and so does everyone except for Murphy, Josephine, and Emori.

3rd person PoV

"Your not coming" she says to the two.

"We really want to but we think it would be better if we stay down here." Says Murphy

"I understand " she says she then turns around to walk away but Emori stops her.

"I know that we're not the best of friends but take care of my girl please" she says.

"I will" Clark/ Josephine says back. She then turns around and walks away again. Murphy and Emori watching her go. Hoping that their child comes back safely.

Wrens Pov in the ship.

The doors open and the first to peopl I see have guns. I don't know there names but dirk what I herd Inthink that they are Indra and Niylah (I don't think that I spelled her name right sorry) Russell has his gym to my head.

"Clark, Abby what are you doing" says the one who I think is Niylah.

"Thats not Clark and Abby" says the other girl who I think it Indra. Gaia's mom.

"Very good. Seems we got the ur nightblood. Despite what I'm told you did with Kane. Now you have 3 seconds to stand down." Says Josephine

"Or what. If you kill them. We kill you. You didn't think this through." Says Indra. I can't tell by the way she acts that's she's smart and a warrior.

"1....2...." Clark says. Putting her gun to Gaia's head.

"Weapons down now." Says Indra. They all put their guns down in the ground.

"Told you" says Josephine "Clark's memories may suck, but they do come in handy." She adds in. They then usher everyone into the cafeteria. Including me. With a gin still glued to my head.

"How many more of you are awake" asks Simone

"None" says Indra answering Simone question.

"Are you sure" she asks "we'll sweep the ship. Anyone we find dies, and for each of them. So does one of you. Care to amend your answer" she says

"No" says Indra

"Okay they all seem to trust you so here's the situation. We're setting sail for planet Beta. It's a 20 year journey." He says he then starts to take off my gag"You can take it peacefully in crypo. Or you can die today. Well give you an hour to decide." He says.

"Let me go" I yell and fight back. To of the guards have to grab me so I don't get free. Josephine then walks up to me.

"No one gives orders around her but us" she says. She then punches me in the head knocking me out in the process (this is now like a third person PoV sorry for the sudden change$ "let them rot" she also says referring to the dead body's. "Come on. We have things to discuss." She says. She then walks out of the room.

"Lock it up." Russell says. He then walks out of the room. The rest of the primes follow him out. The doors close behind them locking. Jackson runs over to Wren on the ground. Gaia walks over to Raven. Raven looks at her. Gaia gives her Beccas notebook.

"Finally" she says Gaia then walks over to Wrens body on the floor.

"There's a computer upstairs in the med bay. Follow me" Says Raven her and Niylah walk right upstairs. Indra turns towards her daughter.

"Gaia" she says "explain"

Ok so I think there's only gonna be one more chapter after this one. So this story is coming to an end but I have loved having this journey with all of you

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