2 - Chapter 20 - Levitt + Cadogan

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Before this starts we're toning to pretend that Octavia had told Levitt about Wren and how kind she is. and how much she wishes she could have been closer to her. How she feel bad about the stuff she did to her. Stuff like that. Because I want Levitt to be some what protective of her.

That's all you can up to the story now

Wrens Pov

I was standing next to Cadogan. There were disciples all around us. To be honest I was terrified. The door in front of us opened. The room was all white with a recliner white chair in the middle. A man stood in front of it with all white on. (Cough, cough Levitt, cough, cough) I walked a bit into the room with Cadogan. The guards didn't follow.

"Sir" the man in white says and he bows his head to Cadogan. He then looks towards me.
"And you must be Wren. My names Levitt. So glad you've chosen ho join us." He says. I walk a bit closer to the chair. Nervously. He smiles at me. "It's okay. Just have a seat right here." He says and he motions towards the chair. I feel Cadogans eyes following me. "I know it looks scary. But don't worry. It won't hurt. Pain interferes with the readings. I slowly walk up to the chair and sit in it. I sit back in it.

"It's not too bad" I say quietly. My mom says that I used to not be shy. But because I lost my memories I don't talk much cause I don't ever know what to say.

"Good. Just lay your head back and get comfortable." He says. He then walks over to me. He puts the thing on my head. I'm scared but I'm doing this for everybody. No one else can die for me. I hope there all okay right now. Levitt then walks back to we're he was and touches the part of the air in front of him. There must be a screen for him. But it must be invisible for me. Things latch on my arms. I start to breath heavy. What am I doing here. I miss my parents." Hey, Hey, Hey calm down, calm down" Levitt says and he looks at me. Trying to make me feel better. I start to breath slower.

"Thank you " I say. He smiles at me. He then goes back to his job.

"We're gonna start by going through a baseline scenario." He says. I nod my head yes. Telling him to continue. "Imagine your in an endless desert with a cast purple sky. A hand reaches out for your own. Whoses is it?" He asks. He looks back to the screen . He sees a mix of pictures of Bellamy, Clarke, Monty, Raven, Harper, Echo, Murphy, and Emori. It finnaly settles on two. Murphy and Emori. "Ahh you couldn't decide on one" he says. He then shoes the invisible thing he has in his hands to Cadogan.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask quietly. He looks at me smiling.

"No it just mean there is more than one important person in your life." He says back. Answering my question. He then looks back to Cadogan. "Neural link engaged" he says to him.

"Well done, Wren" Cadogan says and I look towards him. Scared of what he might say. "I know your afraid. But if your mind contains the final code, it'll all be worth it." He says.

"Your wrong." I say. He and Levitt both look at me.

"What do you mean?" He asks

"Gabriel said that Jordan studied the texts. You think its a war because you want a war. But it's actually a test someone has to take." I say. Levitt looks at me. Confused.

"I am sorry, but I find it unlikely that a boy who studied the texts once. Knows better than those of us who have spent generations with them. That said, translation is an much an art as science. After all, what is war but at test of might and will?" He says. Sort of asking the end. "So if Jordan is right and it is a test of a single individual then. That's a good thing. Wren, I don't want a war. I don't want to send my children to die. If I could spare all of us the pain of fighting, then I welcome that test." He says. The door than opens up and a lady in white walks in.

"Forgive my interruption Shepherd. We received a signal from Earth. All of the Nano-Tags their have been activated." She says

"Wrens people are no doubt worried about her" he says and he looks at me. "But she'll be with them soon enough. For now, leave them there. They'll thank us after we've transcended, taking them with us." He says. The lady in white nods her head. She then leaves. The doors close behind her.

"Ready to begin" Levitt says to Cadogan. He then looks to me. "You doing okay, Wren?" He asks me

"Yes" I say back. He smiles at me again after I say that.

"I want to show you something." He says. He then takes out my sketchbook. Which I didn't know he had. He flips to a page. "Think back to this picture" he says and he points to a picture I drew of somebody who I don't know.

"Is the system malfunctioning?" Cadogan asks.

"No sir just give me a moment." Levitt says back. He then starts to tap some buttons. "Wren I need you to be very still now. I'm going deeper. Just focus on the drawing. What else do you remember about her?" He asks me as he still taps more things. I'm starting to get more and more scared. I don't remember a thing about this drawing or who that girl is.

"Nothing I..I don't know." I say. Stuttering a bit at my words. Levitt starts to tap more things on the keyboard. Cadogan is now standing next to Levitt and me.

"Don't worry, Wren. We'll figure this out together." Cadogan says

"I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this to save my friends, my family." I says

"Your very brave Wren." He says. Levitt turns back to Cadogan.

"Sir, it's strange. This particular memory is not registering in any of the areas that memories are usually stored." Levitt says "She drew things that she couldn't have seen." He says adding on. Making me more nervous.

"Those memories are in her mind somewhere." Cadogan says. Levitt than says something to him. To quiet for me to hear.

"They tell me your the best. I trust you. For all man kind." Cadogan says back. Answering what Levitt must have said.

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