Chapter 8-Talking + Funerals

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Wrens Pov

Russell has just told me moments ago that my aunt Josie had killed Kaylee. I don't know if he excepted me too be mad d or not. But I honestly did not care because I did not even like her that much. I was also those not to tell anyone that it was actually my aunt Josie and not Clark. Because they wanted to see if they had any more nightbloods. Which my aunt Josie was not happy about but she said she was doing it because if I die she can bring me back. I love her she's the best. She also loves me. But there's one problem and it's that then new people trust me and I trust them but now I am lying to them. I put on my outfit for the day. Which my Aunt Josie picked. She then did my hair.She absolutely demanded that we had some Aunt- Neice bonding time together. Which honestly I was not mad at. She is the best. We had fun gossiping about stuff that has been happening. It was fun. When she was done I thanked her and and I walked over to Roses mother and Priya VII.

Wrens hair

Wrens dress

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Wrens dress

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Remember that you can imagine these however you want but this is how I imagine them.

Once I saw Roses mother I ran up and hugged her. She hugged me back.

"I'm so sorry" I say to her referring to Roses death.

"It's okay dear" she said back. She knew that me and Rose were close even though We had a gigantic age gap.

We continued walking and talking in tell Jordan from Earth walked up to us.

"Delilah" He said as he walked down the stairs.

"These are the people from earth" I say

"He's a friend of Delilahs" Roses mother adds on.

"I mean Priya" says Jordan trying to make a joke out of Delilah becoming Priya.

"It isn't the time Jordan" says the guard taking the words right out of my mouth. I wanted to tell him but I know that I shouldn't. He just seems so familiar. Like I can trust him. Like I know him.

"I just want to give her this. You said the daisy was your favorite flower." He said and he handed it to her. She took it out of his hand.

"It is. Thank you." Says Priya

He looked at us and then looked at me I gave him and shoulder shrug and he ran off back to the tavern. Once he was far enough out of ear shot I looked to the two ladies I was standing with.

"We have to tell them at some point before they start asking question and then start killing us" I say

"I know" says Priya VII "But we don't want them going crazy"

We then talk a bit more. All of the primes are way older then me their body's are 1 8+but there minds are way older. But I am 12 but I act older cause In have to act like a god. I then see Luca. He is one of my good friends. I then says good bye too Priya and Roses mother and I run in my dress over to Luca and the other kids my age.

"How are you guys doing" I say and give everyone single one of them a hug. We're the only kids from she's 14-10. Anderson's the oldest he's 14 with Saige and Eric. then Luca, Paisley, and Gabby are 13. Me, and Pietro are 12. Ron and Enzo are 11, and Grace is 10.

"Good" they all say.

'Do you wanna go on the trampoline with us" asks Gabby.

"Sure" I say and we run over to the trampoline. (Lol the trampoline is big and it's in the ground so they is no net) Jumping a not a problem because my dress has pants in it. I can do a backflip so I always try to teach them but it always ends up with us all laying on the trampoline laughing so hard are stomach 's and head's hury. If only I knew that this time John was watching me through the window with Bellamy. Both of them watching their daughter/niece smile and having fun. But only to be sad that she doesn't remember them.

The horn then went off for Roses funeral. I walked over to The other primes discluding Aunt Josie. We said a few words and then we lit panties and let them into the sky for Rose to see in Heaven. They all had messages for her from each one of us on them. We then all partners are ways when it was over. Aunt Josie had called an emergency meeting.

When we walked out in aunt Josie was already standing there eating for us. Aunt Josie smiles at me when she saw me.

"It's a risk metting like this what's wrong" said Simone to her sister in-law.

"They got into the lab they know everything" said Aunt Josie cutting right to it. Russell sighed.

"Do they know about you" he asked

"No, but that doesn't matter know because my host wasn't the only night blood." She says and I get confused on the night blood

"Night blood" me and Simone ask

"That's what they call it pretty cool huh." She says "Anyway they have more"

"How many more" say Russell

"I don't know at least one but there are bond to be others If not down here then up on their ship so what do you say we skip the sneaking around and do what we all know needs to be down before they can leave because that is what they are about too do. " she says

"So convince then not to" he says back. You can there siblings by the way they argue.

"Russell" she says

"I will not lower my self to there level" he says back

"You already have" she says

"Josie" he says

"Brother I'm tired I want to sleep in my own bed where my own clothes" she says annoyed

"You will" he said. We then all go are different ways. I go to the castle to go to sleep. I get there and I see my Mirror has been fixed. I try not to look at it. I put my pajamas on. I then look in my mirror and see Sheidheda behind me.

"What do you want" I ask

"I want you too rule the world" he reply's

"What do you really want " I yell at him.

"I just told you"

" leave me alone" I yell again. I then throw a vase at the mirror and it smashes the mirro. I then go to the corner of my room and sit there. Silently crying to myself.

"I'm okay" I say quietly to myself. I then slowly fall asleep to then have a nightmare.

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