Chapter 10- Plans + Picasso

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Pretend that Emori and Murphy are not in the primes side and there actually with everyone else but the primes and the people of Sanctim think that they are not , and they don't want to leave immediately they want to get Wren and then leave.

Emoris Pov

"how do we get both Clark and Wren. Without Trotsky freaking out Wren" says Echo

"If Raven was here. She would know what to do" says Jordan

"Well she's not" says Miller. I

"Wren will help us " says Bellamy and we all look at him weird.

"Why would she help us. She already thinks that Were a threat" says Jackson and we all node are heads agreeing .

"She helped me. She gave me a knife which at first I thought was weird because of I escape where am I gonna go. But then I.took a closer look at it was it's said. *Clark is dead. She is actually Josephine Prime.* and that's how I knew that Clark was killed." He says and he pulls out the knife showing us. The handle of the knife came apart. I'm the inside it said exactly what Bellamy said it said. Shes smart.

"So she's smart " says Echo.

"Yes that means she smart but that also means she might be on are side" says my husband and father to Wren.

"So we need a way to get Clark back and a way to get my niece back to us safely" says Echo

"Why don't we kill them all and take Wren" Madi says and we all look at her.

"No" says Bellamy

"But it will work" she says back

"No I want her back to but that will not work" Echo says

" I think the only way of doing this is to take Wrens memories away and then when they see there Prime say stuff they will do it, and then she will come with us maybe willingly. Because of she still has her memories she will stay with Russell, Simone, and Joesophine. " says Bellamy and we look at him crazy. Why would he want to take my daughter's memories away again. His nieces memories.

"No" says me, John, Echo, Jordan, and Madi.

"We can not take away her memories again. You can't " I say angry know that he would say that.

" I don't want to say this at all but I think Bellamy is right. It's the only way to get her to come with us and I do not want to lose her again" says Jackson. He didn't know Wren well when she used to be herself but during the war she would sit in the medical tent with him so that she did not get stuck fighting. They had become close there.

" no I won't let you " I say

"EMmori I hate to admit it and I don't want to do this at all but he is right " says John. I look at him. Mad.

"I can't believe you would say that. Especially when it's your daughters life and memories in the line" I tell at him and he looks at me.

" You think I don't know that " he yells.

"I am so disgusted with you" I say and I walk up to our room that we have been given to stay in. It was Delikahs old room so there was lots of pictures with Wren in them it made me happy to look at them and see my daughter smiling.

There's one where Deliah and Wren are on the ground mid laugh. It's good to know that she at least had a good best friend.

3rd person POV after Emori went upstairs

Emori ran up to her and Murphy's borrowed room. Murphy say down in his chair defeated.

"she's just mad right knwo. She will come around soon" Bellamy says.

"Well what if she's right. What if I am putting my daughter's life in the line" Murphy says. He then walks away probably to go get another drink. We all know it's hard for him and Emori to see there daughter after they were told she was dead, and she's not even little anymore. She is all grown up now . It's hard for all of is. Even Jordan they grew up a couple years of that life together. Just them, Harper, and Monty.

Wrens POV

I woke up and got dressed and did my own hair. I was not in the mood to talk to someone at the moment.

Wrens. Dress
Ill be honest I love this dress and yet don't really
Like it at the same time lol

 DressIll be honest I love this dress and yet don't reallyLike it at the same time lol

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Wrens hair

Lol this is actually me in real life so I guess a somewhat face reveal

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Lol this is actually me in real life so I guess a somewhat face reveal. But anyways as always you can imagine these how ever you want but this is how I imagine them.

I then go down to the kitchen sneak a hard pretzel. Simone forbid me from eating outside of meal times. But Me being me. I sneak it. I then look out the big window and see Picasso sitting outside with Luca. I run down stairs almost taking down Russell.

"Wow there Wren. What's the rush " he says and I laugh.

"Nothing but I do hAve a question. Do you Like my hair " I ask and I do a little spin so he can see all of it.

"I love it" he says

" thank you " I say as I hug him and kiss him on the cheek .

"Got to go" I say and I run outside. I get down the steps and start waking over to them. Before I get there Picasso sees me and runs at me fast. Before I can even think she ( Authors note/question is Picasso a girl or a boy. I can not remember but I think Picasso is a bit but pretty pretty please tell me if Picasso is a girl or boy . Thank you. ) runs up and jumps on me. I call backwards a d she lands next to me. Everyone !looks at me too make sure I'm okay. I mean I am a prime. But then they are that I'm laughing and they laugh a bit and then go back to there work or what ever there's doing. Emori watches me from the window worried at first but seeing me laugh lightens up her mood. Luca then runs up to me and helps me up. Me and Luca are Good frriedns .

"Thanks" I say as he helps me..

"Your welcome" he says. We then hang out for a while.

Wren MurphyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя