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We all new this was coming as this story has not been update in a good while. This story will officially be discontinued and I'm sorry that we will never get to see the full story of Wren. But I know that she lived a happily life and is okay with her story the way it is. I have updated in a while and I just didn't want people to think one day I may return. No sadly I will not be. I will miss the days during quarantine when instead of online class I did this and I stayed up to the late hour of the night writing this book cause I wanted wren to have a life.

I came up with the idea of wrens story actually through a song I heard on the radio and Madi. A song I head made me think of the 100 and I started to think of a couple who didn't have a kid but I wish they did. Taht couple needed up coming me and Murphy and Emori. At first I was going to have her be Octavia's daughter and when it was first published years ago she was Octavia's but then was veryyyyy quickliy witched to Murphy and Emoris. I also in the beginning didn't know what to make her but I was very into Star Wars at the time and Wren came to kind and once I started using it I just never stopped.

I wish taht I could have seen this story to the end but taht won't be happiness and you probably already could see taht becoause the last time I edited this was last year.

I want to thbks everyone so much for reading this as it has way more reads then I could ever thought it would have and one of the main reasons taht it got as far as it did in her story was becuase of the reads. I thought writing this first chapter tht it would just be anouther story that got about 30 reads and only a few chapters. But I hope knowing this inspires you to keep writing cause one day you will get there.

I want to thank you all so much and if you have any quiestions about Wrens life that weren't addressed in the story I will be happy to answer them.

I love you all so much and Wren loves you even more for reading her story


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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