Chapter 9- Prisonors + Emori

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John Murphy's Pov

"You knew Wren before she came her didn't you" Josephine asked me. I looked at her stunned. "She's yours and your wife Emori's isn't she."

How did she know.

"Yes how did you know" I ask

"She looks a lot like the two of you, and she has your personality, and you and all of your friends seem so protective of her." Says Josephine. "So What if I can gat you and your wife immortality so that you can be with your daughter the whole rest of your lives"

"I'm listening" I say

Wrens Pov

I got dressed and did my hair. It was all simple today

Wrens Dress

Wrens Dress

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Wrens Hair

Remember you can imagine these how ever you want but this is how I imagine them looking

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Remember you can imagine these how ever you want but this is how I imagine them looking .

Josie told me that I should go talk to Bellamy. Try to convince him to join are side. As I was walking toward the room he was locked in I realized how mad I would be if I figured out that one of my friends has been killed so that someone else who has already been alive can come back to life. I also realized how happy I am that my Aunt Josie is back. I also realized I'm not on ether solids any more. I'm not on the new peoples side, and I am also not of the people of Sanctum's side. I'm going to help both side as best as I can.

I walked in the room and Bellamy looked up and smiled at me. Not what I expected from a person being held prisoner against there will.

"Hello" I say and I sit down in a chair in the room. I would have sit in the ground but with the dress I was wearing it would have looked weird.

"Hello" he says back confused on why I am here. Which makes sense "May I ask what you are doing here"

I look at the door then I look back at him.

"Well my Aunt Josie told me that I should try to convince you to join are side but honestly I know that you are not going to change sides and I see where your coming from. So I thought I might as well come talk to you because your probably bored in hear by yourself. Is that true?" I ask

"yes it is" he says

"Well anyways what do you think of my dress because I think it looks beautiful but it dose not feel beautiful" I say and he smiles at Me asking him about my dress.

" I think it looks beautiful " her says

"Thank you" I say "I may not no you the best but you seem so familiar and like such a nice person" I say.

"Thank you" he says back. We talk for a long time more. Getting to know each other for most of the rest of the day. But then I decide I should probably leave.

"I should probably go" I say and he smiles . I walk closer to him and hug him. I know that there is one camera in this room. I slip a knife into his lap. He looks at me in shock.

"I think you might need it" I whisper. I get out of the hug and walk out the door. I then go on with the rest of my day. I hang out a lot of It with Emori because she just came back and I havent seen her in a while. We love the company of each other.

Couple hours later

Me and Emori were told by Abby to go tell Raven that she was going up to space to do something with some guy named Kane and learn how to make night blood. Or at least something like that. I didn't really listen. As me and Emori we're walking I asked her a question. I also don't know why I was told to go to but I love hanging out with Emori so I didn't say anything l. If only I knew she felt the same but even more about me. We both just loved to hang out with each other. Her because I am actually her daughter but I don't know, and me because she just feels familiar.

"When you lived in Earth was it like Sanctum here or was it different " I asked her. She looked over and smiled at me.

"It was a lot like it is here except there was more green

"Hello" I say as me and Emori walk in.

" Abby needs you" I add on. Raven smiles at me when she sees me. She then looks at Emori then back at me.

"What for" she asks

"I have absolutely no clue I wasn't listening" i say and her, Emori, and Ryker laugh at me.

"She said something about Kane and she needs to get up to the mother ship ASAP." Says Emori answering for me.

"That sounds about right" I say. Raven then leaves. Ryker walks over and high fives me.

" That doesn't seem that hard to remember " he says. I roll my eyes. I have known Ryker since I came her. He's a Prime like me so we are required to be friends. He has became an older brother to me.

"Well why don't you go hang out with your mom or something" I say and he stares at me right into my eyes.

"I don't know why don't you go hang out with your little 12 year old friends or something" he says and I open my mouth pretending to be in shock or something like that. We both then start laughing . Emori then join's us. Me and Emori then leave and walk back to the tavern we're shenis staying.

"I didn't know you were friends with Ryker" she says and she looks at me.

"Yea it comes to a surprise to some people but because he's a prime and I guess I am too know we have become friends. He like an older brother to me." I say. She smiles at me.

"That's so sweet thogh I have been meaning to ask you how did you become a prime" she says

"Well it's a long story but one day a couple of years ago supposedly I landed down her in the middle of Sanctum in a little tiny space ship. Everyone saw it so everyone came and got me out. I was then brought to the medical bay and they realized I had blue blood so I was going to become a host when I became 18. But then I woke up with zero memories and Simone and Russell has always wanted a daughter so they decided that I would become a prime, and that is pretty much my entire story." I say. We then get to the tavern I give her a hug goodbye. She hugs me back. Smiling at her daughter.

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