Kana, still with his head tilt to the side, begins to think about their last conversation. Then suddenly he remembers that day, the day he went ballistic and called Mike a very upsetting word.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry about what I said back then. I didn't mean to. I mean... I was..." Kana stutters as his doe eyes go wide-eyed, "I really am sorry, Mike. I didn't mean to offend you. I have my reasons. I take back what I said. Gosh, I was so rude--"

"Kana, it's fine. It's okay. I understand." Mike chuckles as he waves his hand, "I admit, I was hurt but I get it. Like you said just now, you have your own reasons. It's partially my fault for not minding your feelings and blurt it out too soon. So, I'm sorry about that."

The photographer offers his hand to Kana, "Why don't we start again? Can we at least be friends?"

Kana smiled apologetically for being rude to such a nice man. No matter what, It wasn't Mike's fault as the man certainly won't know about his traumatic past. Kana eventually decides to accept and hums in response, "Again, I apologize for what I said."

Mike let out a wide smile, and feels relief that the latter accepts, "Don't worry about it. And Since you accept my proposition, can you accompany me for lunch? It's almost lunchtime and I'm quite hungry now." he suggests and pulls Kana slightly towards him, "I'm lonely and have nobody to ask for lunch too. My best friend ditches me for his own work."

The offer got Kana thinking, looking down at their joined hands. Will it be fine to accept Mike's invitation? Kana wants to refuse, but at the same time, he still feels guilty for his harsh word. 

It's just lunch. It should be fine. It will be rude to decline such a friendly invitation from such a nice man. Kana let out a small sigh before  retreating his hand and nods, "Sure."




"You eat so little. Do you not like the food?"

Kana looks up at Mike that sits in front of him and see that the man is now looking at his half-eaten meat pie before going back to reply to his gaze with a concerned look. They're not in a restaurant that is just a few blocks away from the cafe.

Kana replies, "Uhm, no, it's okay. I just don't eat much."

"Why? You're so thin, though. You should eat more or you might get sick since the weather has gotten even colder recently." Mike smiles softly at Kana and his left hand unconsciously grab the younger's right hand that rests on the table.

Truthfully, Kana just wants the lunch to end because he feels awkward with Mike. Maybe it's because it just the two of them now, who barely know each other and just become 'friends'. Or perhaps because both of them eat so silently. Kana prefers to have at least some small conversation to help him enjoy the food. Or possibly, because of Mike's gaze that looks more than friendly in Kana's opinion.

Kana might be an oblivious person, but he knows when someone has taken interest in him. He encounters those people many times before. Now, with Mike's hand suddenly touching him, he can't help to feel rattled.

Mike goes into a mini panic attack because it seems he realized that the gesture makes Kana uncomfortable. He immediately pulls his hand and tries to find a topic. Seriously, the beautiful man in front of him is like land full of mines, "I'm sorry. I'm a touchy person." he awkwardly laugh, "So, how's your book going?" Mike asks as he tries to ease the tension.

"It's going well. Thank you so much for your help the other day. Your answers seriously help me to build the character more." Kana looks visibly relaxed at the sudden change of topic.

Mike responds with the same expression as he nods, "Glad I could help. Please, do tell me if you need anything else. I will gladly help."

Kana silently eyes the photographer. He suddenly feels guilty for keeps pushing away this kind man. Truthfully, Mike doesn't deserve this kind of harsh treatment especially when wanting to be a friend. It wouldn't hurt anybody if they eventually do anyway, "It's okay. I'm really grateful for the help. Good luck with your project as well." Kana replies, "And Mike, I'm sorry for all the rude behaviours I've done to you. I really am."

Mike's eyes soften as he looks at Kana, "Why do you keep on apologizing? It's making me feel more dejected if you keep on doing that."

The younger blinks rapidly as he confuses, "But I always treat you not well every time we met. I feel guilty to do that to a nice man like you."

Mike replies, "Don't be. I know you do that for a reason and you don't have to tell me about it. But please don't feel guilty as it's my choice for wanting to approach you in the first place. I'll accept the consequences if it means I can get closer to you."

Kana is taken aback at the reply. He can feel his heart begin to beat erratically. The discomfort starts to seep into his skin. His brain seems too dysfunctional as he tries to reply to the latter's statement, "Uhm, wha-"

Suddenly, Kana's phone begins to ring, shocking both of them. The young writer mentally thanks the caller while looking at the screen. A warm smile appears for recognizing the caller ID. Kana was about to stand up and look at his company as to excuse himself but the other stops him, "It's okay. I don't mind if you do it here."

Kana is hesitant but decides to just sit back and answers the phone, "Good afternoon... Mm, I'm having it right now..." a smile appears before nodding, "Tomorrow? Sure...Ugh!" then follow by small giggles, "You're so cheesy! Stop it!"

Mike breath stop the moment he sees Kana's wide smile and hears the hearty laugh. The soft voice sounds so soothing in his ears, contradicting the effect it has to his turmoil heart.

"Do you want to come to my place instead? We can watch movies... No, of course, I don't mind... Mm, sure... Okay, I'll call you again tonight. Goodbye." Kana hangs up as the smile still spread on his chestnut lips.

Mike, who saw Kana brightens up when picks up and talk softly to whoever it was, felt jealous. He totally forgot that Kana currently have someone by his side. He regrets to let Kana answer the damn call in front of him. Why did he do the stupid thing? Letting his crush picks up the phone of the special someone in front of himself.

He silently wishes that he can snatch Kana away from whoever that person is. His desire to get closer to Kana seems to get bigger, making him hesitant to back down. All of Kana seems tantalizing and gives fuel to his blazing fire of feeling.

It's ridiculous, he's not a man who likes to complicate things. He prefers to have easier options than to pursue someone who is already taken. But his heart seems to yearn Kana more and more. Without realizing, he's already falling deeper to the beautiful writer's charm.

"No, I shouldn't. It's not right," he mutters as he stares at the beautiful writer in front of him.

"What was that?" Kana asks, not hearing the latter's words clearly.

"No, nothing. Let's finish our meal." Mike says as he smiles at the beauty in front of him. It doesn't reach his eyes, but Kana doesn't seem to realize this.


Thank you for reading my work!

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