Lost Kid

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Remus' POV.

I had ran all the way to the forest. I had left behind me perfect life. The perfect friends. The perfect family. Just because of a heartbreak. I had came across the Lost Kids before. They had taken a liking to me. There old leader had past away a month ago in a fire. I knew that it would be risky to trust them but I had faith. I went and did the secret morse code on their lair's door. It creaked open. A figure stepped out. It was Woody! "Remus?" He asked in disbelief. I laughed at his shocked expression.
"Hey Woody Woodster," I casually replied. He smiled his signature smile and ushered me inside.
"Right, Remus what do you want?" He questioned.
I confidently replied, "I want to be the new Lost Kids leader,". He smiled at me.
"I knew one day you would ask," He cheered. Woody gave me a full tour of the lair. I met everyone and he introduced me as the new leader. He left me to get changed into my new outfit (The one in the picture). I'm not bragging but I have to say I look amazing. Life here will be great!

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