Price Raise

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Remus' POV.  The picture above is Remus. 

When we got to the circulation gate the newsies weren't there. Oscar unlocked the gate for the newsies to walk through when they got there. There was some time left so I took some time to look at the headline.

New Newsie Price 60 cents!

They weren't gonna like that. Then, I heard a calamity. Here come the newsies. I nudged Oscar who smirked at me. Time to cause some havoc. "New newsie price 60 cents!" I exclaimed to Oscar, earning the newsies' attention. I young boy I knew as Crutchie asked the leader Jack, "Why'd they change it?". Jack glared at us like it was our fault. "I can't say," he replied through gritted teeth. "People just liked it better that way," Oscar taunted. Then one called Specs shouted, "Then take me back to Constantinople!". He was talking about my home-town. He must be mocking me. Haha real funny. Oscar pulled me in protectively. "No, you can't go back to Constantinople," he told them saltily. "Been a long time gone Constantinople," Race taunted. Then a confused Les asked, "Why did Constantinople get the works?". I went up to the kid and said, "That's nobody's business but the Turks,". The boys were starting to riot a bit so I got on top of my father's table. "Alright, Alright! Are you buying or moving along!" I shouted. They all fell silent. "I'll get my papes for 50 cents," Jack told me. Cocky ay. I replied to him, "It's 60 cents or no deal jacky boy. If you ain't buying then make room for someone who will,". My tone had become stern and serious. I mean who would want to deal with a girl in a fedora who knows how to hurt someone badly. He went to talk but I shut him off. I showed him the article. "Every newspaper station in Manhatten is like that. There's no use tryin'," I told him. Jack's face paled as he stepped back and went to talk to the newsies. Then I saw my best friends and their clan. 

"Antonine! Zion!" I shouted. My best friends were the leaders of the upper Manhatten newsies. I ran over to them and engulfed them in a hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked them. Normally, they would be selling papes by now. Before they could speak I heard the lower Hatten newsies yell "Strike!". That was the dumbest thing I've heard them say. "Well we're here to sell their papes," Antonine told me. "Since we knew that they would be 'striking' we thought we would earn some little extra dough," Zion finished off. I looked at Oscar and he nodded. I mean this wouldn't hurt at all. Oscar and I started to sell off the papers. Then I saw Crutchie look over at us. He was gonna rat us out! Then he started talking to Jack. Jack then went over to Antonine and Zion he started talking to them and then punched Zion! I ran over to Jack fuming. "Go and get Zion cleaned up I'll deal with him," I said to Antonine. Antonine replied and saluted "Yes ma'am,". I brushed some hair out of my face, threw my hat to my brother, and rolled up my sleeves. For the second time today, Jack's face went pale as I socked him in the nose. He doubled over as his nose started bleeding. Then, I made a run for it. God, please help me. 

An Unlikely Pair (Crutchie x OC)Where stories live. Discover now