The Refuge

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Remus' POV. A/N If you've watched newsies then you know what's gonna happen. 

I observed my surroundings. People fighting left right and center. I was fighting Boots on the scaffolding. I was getting bored so I jumped off it. This was fun. Jack ran towards me to try and knock me off my feet. I did a backflip and perfectly landed. Then I flipped Jack over. I saw Les who was only ten cowering. I did what my instincts told me to do. I ran over to him. "Les, go and run seek shelter at Medda's okay," I told him. He nodded obediently and then dashed off. I had lost sight of everything so I didn't suspect Romeo coming towards me. He was holding a newspaper like a bat. I noticed him but pretended that I didn't. When he went to hit me I caught the newspaper. I turned on my heel and threw it away.  I pushed Romeo to the ground and watched him scramble away. 

By now the fight was in full swing. People dodging punches. Some lying on the ground. Then I heard a whistle. Snyder was here! "Finally!" Romeo dramatically shouted. "They're slaughtering us!". The police officer hit him with his baton and ran off. I went up to Romeo and dragged him away. I put him somewhere safe and then joined the fight. I ran up the scaffolding again. Then I heard shouting. It was Crutchie! He was shouting for help. I scanned the area to find him. Then my eyes finally caught sight of him. He was being escorted away by Morris! "Someone help me please!" he cried, "Shut it crip," Morris replied coldly. Those words made my skin crawl. He shouldn't be treating Crutchie that way. No matter his appearance! I watched as Jack looked on helplessly. Why wasn't he helping?! Crutchie hit Morris with his crutch. Go Crutchie! Then I watched as Morris got back up. He glared at him with the intensity of a bull. Then he punched Crutchie in the nose. "No," I muttered. I watched frozen as he was dragged off to the refuge. I ran down to help him but I was held back by someone. It was Oscar. "Oscar please," I pleaded. "I love him,". He looked at me with eyes of sadness. I understood he couldn't do anything. I ran out of his arms to the park where Crutchie and I met. Oscar followed me there shouting my name. Then I crumbled to my knees and started sobbing. He comforted me as I sobbed into his shoulder. "They promised Oscar," I cried. "They broke their promise,". "It's gonna be okay. He'll be fine. We'll get him out," Ocsar promised. 

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