Love at first sight.

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Remus' POV. 

After running for it, I found my way into an abandoned park. It was silent so I started to train. One day I was going to be the first girl to fight in the war! To prepare me for any wars, I would hang on the monkey bars, do some backflips on the grass and then take some shots with my musket. Then I heard the rusty gate behind me open. I wasn't alarmed I was prepared. I spun on my heel and pointed my musket at a boy about my age. He was kinda cute. Wait what am I thinking?! He's a newsie for heaven's sake! Why are all the cute ones ...... unavailable to me?

The boy put his hands up in surrender. That's when something caught my eye. He had a bum leg and a crutch. He was that kid who ratted us out! I laughed at him tensing up. "Hey, it's okay I'm not going to hurt you," I told him in a soothing tone. He hesitantly came towards me. I put my musket away. "Anyways, I only use this for self-protection," I reassured him. "Or to scare my cousins,". "Wait, your cousins are the Delenceys?" He asked. "Yep," I said popping the p. There was a moment of silence. Then we both burst out laughing at the sight of my cousins scared. "If I were you I'd stay away from Morris," I warned. "Oscar's the nicer one,". "I'm Remus,". I put my hand out for him to shake. He took my hand and said, "I'm crutchie,". I ushered him to a bench. He told me all of his ambitions and dreams. He also told me all about the strike and how one day he was going to move to Santa Fe. "Sounds like a nice plan," I said. "But why do you trust me?" I asked. "Because you seem trustworthy and you are a really pretty girl," he gushed. Then he finally realized what he had said. I was blushing madly. This boy had just told me that I was really pretty. I guess love at first sight does exist and now it was happening to me. He looked ashamed of himself and started to leave.  I got up and pulled him towards me. Then I took a bold move. I hugged him. I hugged him for a long time. When we pulled apart I looked at him. "Hey Crutchie promise me you won't ever go to the refuge," I said to him. He looked at me and told me "Promise,". 

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