Are we the bad guys?

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Remus' POV. 

I walked back to my house with a happy feeling. This was the guy! Before Crutchie and I parted ways he asked me a significant question. He asked me if I would be his wing-girl. I said yes of course. I'm just nervous about my family. Oscar would be okay with it but my father and Morris not so much. I got into the house. My father and cousins were talking. "Hey, guys what's crack-a-lacking?" I asked butting into the conversation. They all laughed at my words. "Just the newsies going on strike," my father sighed. Oscar then exclaimed, "Remus stood up to them today. She was bloody brilliant! She even punched Jack in the nose!". My father laughed at his enthusiasm. He was proud of me as was Oscar. "So what are we going to do about the newsies strike?" I asked. I was acting like I totally wasn't the best friend of a newsie. Morris replied instead of my dad, "We're all gonna see who we can take to the refuge and who is badly injured by the end of it,". 

The refuge I shuddered at the thought of it. It was a horrid place for children. A juvenile detention center. I just hoped that Crutchie wouldn't go there. I had heard the newsies protesting and I thought it was pathetic. I cut out of my family's conversation. I was thinking about my meeting with Crutchie. I had told him that I would have to betray him and he said that it would be fine. As long as I loved him still. Then something made me snap out of my trance. My father saying "We'll need a spy or a distraction,".  "I'll do it," I piped up. They looked at me like I was crazy. I smirked and told them, "I'm their age and I'm a girl. They'll never see it coming,". They all smiled at me. I was my father's daughter. They were planning to 'surprise' tomorrow. I hugged my cousins goodbye and went to plan. I gave my father the plan and he went out to show the others. While he was gone, I got ready for bed. After he got back, he kissed me goodnight. I went to sleep. One thinng was haunting me though. Are we the bad guys? 

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