The 'Battle Field'

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Remus' POV. 

Believe it or not, Oscar is a comforting person. He listened to me and hugged me when I needed it. He gave me space and made me laugh. I could really rely on him. I knew that the newsies would be celebrating getting on the front page. They had invited me to Jacobi's with them. I wanted to celebrate with them too but I had something I needed to do first. When I had calmed down, Oscar asked me why I was crying. So I spilled everything about Crutchie and I. Our meeting, him asking me to be his wing-girl and why I was so heartbroken at him getting taken to the refuge. Oscar nodded solemnly. "I'm fine with this Remus. It's just Morris and Uncle Weisel I'm worried about," he told me. I was so happy that he was fine with it! I had hope that he would get on the newsie's good sides. Then he looked at me again and then asked, "Do you have anything you want to do before I drop you off at Jacobi's (Fun Fact: I named the minibar we have outside my house Jacobi's)?". I thought deep and hard. Then, my mind flashed back to one thing. "When Crutchie was dragged away, his hat fell off his head. I want to get it back for him," I said to Oscar.  He looked taken aback. Then he looked at my hopeful face. How could anyone say no to it? "Alright," He announced giving up. "We'll go and get his hat,". I cheered we would go and get it!

We reached Newsie Square. It was a wreck. Papers were everywhere, Father's stand was on its side and there were patches of blood on the ground. Oscar started to look and so did I. We looked under papers and on top of the scaffolding. It was hell on earth. Then I spotted it. In the middle of the war zone lay Crutchie's hat. Sleeping there like a fallen soldier. I ran over to it and picked it up. It smelt like peppermint and smoke. Weird. I put it on top of my head. This is what it felt like to be a newsie. I ran over to Oscar. He smiled at the newsie cap on my head. Then we headed off to Jacobi's where I would confront the newsies. Let's hope it goes well. 

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