The Queen of New York

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Remus' POV.

After I gave my farewells to Oscar, I strolled into Jacobi's. I had a plan and he somehow agreed to it. He was crying when I went in. This could be the last time I see him for a while. There was a racket going on. As I had suspected, it was the newsies celebrating. I smilled at them. They were happy and having fun. They were tap dancing. (A hobby which I adore.) I wanted to join them badly. I stopped myself from going for one reason. They would rember me and hate me for what I did. I was on the opposing side to them so it wouldn't be smooth. Then I saw as they were distracted Kathrine Pulitzer came over. (She was my best friend.) "Remus! Come and join us," she pleaded. "Oh no," I said backing up. "The newsies will hate me,". She laughed and convinced me to face my fears. "Hey Kath come and tap dance!" Race yelled from the other side of the room. Kathrine pulled me over to them. Then she started tap dancing. I started to giggle. I never knew she could tap dance well. It was amazing!

Then when she finished she nudged me. It was 'my turn'. The newsies started chanting my name. They didn't hate me after all. I rolled my eyes at them. With ease, I did a front-flip. Everyone was cheering. Then I did a back handspring and landed in the splits. They were all gaping and gawking. Almost everyone's mouths were hung open. I walked up to Race and stated, "Shut your mouth. You'll catch flies,". He looked shocked for a moment. Then they started their routine. At the end of their dance routine I jumped up onto one of the tables. "Hey you lot! Watch this!" I hollered gaining their attention. Then I did a backflip off the table. They were all cheering. Then I put down a note. Race picked it up and read it. His face paled. "Remus what you are doing is dangerous," he warned. "What's life without a bit of risk?" I questioned. I started to walk out. "Enjoy the rest of your lives!" I yelled over my shoulder. Kathrine started laughing. Then I headed in the direction of the place I dreaded the most. The refuge.

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