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Remus' POV. 

Today was the day! The plan was elaborate. I watch the newsies for a bit and then cause a distraction. Then the bulls would come out and do their thing. I promised to do it but on one condition. "I'll do it if you don't hurt Crutchie the one with the bum leg," I had said to them. They agreed not to lay a finger on my crippled friend. So I went out to newsies square. They were all singing about being a union. I laughed as my cousins tried to sort them out before running off. Crutchie noticed me and hobbled over. "Remus! What are you'se doin' ere?" he asked me. "Watching the show mate," I said to him pointing at his friends. They had stopped their 'show' and were throwing papers in the air. I started to slow clap for them. Jack perked his head up to look at me. So did a girl from behind him. "Remus, good to see you'se," he stated through gritted teeth. He was glaring at me intensely. "Ah, Kelly I did enjoy you're little show there. Nice to see you've got a girlfriend. Kathrine Plumber by the looks of it," I smirked tipping my fedora at Kathrine. "Remus leave now!" he demanded. I really did know how to get underneath his skin. Now was the time. "Oh, but do I must Jack?" I pleaded fake pouting and everything. Then I  wolf-whistled. The bulls stepped out of their spots and a brawl began. I ran over to Crutchie who was panicking. I calmed him down and took him to Kathrine. Then I put on my brass knuckle. It was about to go down! 

An Unlikely Pair (Crutchie x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя