BONUS: Lost Chapters

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The following is a series of vignettes that didn't make it into the final cut of The Night.

Happy 10 years of ghoulies, ghosties, and long-legged beasties.

For Those Who Are 18+:

To read the Explicit version of this chapter, visit my author profile for links.

"I've spent so long in the darkness, I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is."

~ Corpse Bride

Scene 1: Lucky

TW: Implied Sexual Assault

June 11th, 2027

He can feel the morning sun warming the side of his face. Though it's comforting, it feels far too soon to wake up. He groans, burying his face deeper into his pillow and pulling the covers up just a bit more. Soon, the blankets will become like a furnace beneath the summer sun shining through the window... but for now, it's perfectly warm and perfectly comforting. His mind is ready to drift back into sleep, and he can feel the edges of dreams pressing into his mild consciousness.

Then, an arm winds around his stomach, and a warm mass is pressing into his back. This rouses him just enough to catch the sigh drifting into his shoulder. He finds himself smiling as he reaches down to grasp the hand pressed against his sternum.

"Morning already?" Roxas yawns into his back.

"Mmhm." Seifer grunts in response.

Now, Seifer is mostly awake. But comfort is still on his mind, so he plans to remain in bed for as long as possible. He shifts his body around beneath the covers to face the smaller man. Their naked limbs become a bit of a tangle, warming one another where skin presses to skin. Seifer takes in the closed eyes and placated expression on the other man's features. The sun is making Roxas' skin glow, with blonde hair and lashes reflecting the light in a way that makes them look like molten gold.

"Hm..." Roxas groans, shifting slightly in Seifer's grasp, "It's too hot."

Seifer chuckles, "You were the one who was cuddlin' me a second ago."

Eyes still closed, Roxas pushes part of the covers off and exposes his torso to the sunlight. Seifer drags his gaze across the exposed flesh, marveling in the way Roxas' skin drinks up the sun as if it were starving for light. Everything about the other man seems to draw in the rays like the sun was meant to shine for Roxas, and only Roxas. It mesmerizes Seifer, and he can't help but lift a hand to brush back Roxas' bangs.

Seifer whispers, "How are you so damn golden, huh?"

A single crystalline eye blinks open to peer up at Seifer, "What's up with you?"


"You're being so... tender. It's kind of weirding me out."

Seifer lets out a low chuckle, "So I should just always be an asshole, then? Even when we're lyin' in bed?"

Roxas closes his eye again and smirks, "If you start being an asshole in bed, I just won't sleep with you anymore."

"There's just no winning with you, huh?"

Roxas reaches up and his fingers dance across Seifer's neck to tangle in short hair. He shuffles a little closer and opens both of his eyes. Seifer almost feels embarrassed for being reminded of the blue sky on a clear day.

"Okay," Roxas relents, "It's not weird in a bad way. It's weird in a... 'this is weird, but keep doing it because I think I like it' way."

Seifer notices that Roxas is close enough that he can feel the other man's breath on his face. He expects it to smell like morning breath would, but it's oddly saccharine. He doesn't mind it at all. In fact, it's intoxicating. He feels heat, separate from the sun and Roxas' body, pooling in him. His hand moves to press against the small of Roxas' back, pulling him closer.

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