Chapter XII: Caffeine Daydream

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The Night

Chapter XII: Caffeine Daydream


For those who are 18+:

To read the Explicit version of this chapter, please visit my author profile for links.


February 22nd, 2026

The snow in Dusk City was unlike any other. Due to the mixed climate, it would fall towards the earth as heavy, delicate flakes that would dissolve before ever hitting the ground. The air was moist and cold, and the snow would fall silently, but no evidence of it touching the earth was ever apparent. It was a beautiful kind of phenomena that made the city that extra bit of unique.

In a quiet part of the city, Roxas is waiting in an alley. Wedged between nightclubs and industrial districts, this particular area is very rarely traveled by most due to the many possible dangers. However, to an extent, XIII himself is the danger. There is no fear here. He'd propped himself up against the cold brick: watching in silence as the snow makes it's futile journey down from the clouds, his breath twisting in short-lived puffs of mist. Tonight holds the kind of warmish chill that leaves little clouds of steam drifting from the cement, as if to meet the snowflakes halfway in their battle for winter dominance.

Beneath the glow of a distant street lamp, he's waiting patiently for Sora to arrive. The meeting spot was the vampire's idea, of course, as all vampires know about the city's discreet hideaways by heart. He can't help but think about how the air is dank with salty fog, a reminder of the ocean forever lingering nearby. He wonders about Sora's silence for the couple months prior—the vampire hadn't even called to wish him a happy Yuletide or New Year—as well as the sudden urgency for them to meet. The texts and calls that did eventually come ere fraught with Sora's apologies and reassurances, but still no true answer as to why the vampire was behaving in such a way.

When Sora does finally show up, it is as if he emerges from the shadows themselves—completely soundless. He simply steps into the light, the snow falling in a circle around him, as if he'd been transported from another realm. When they see one another, they both freeze in place.

When Sora looks at Roxas, the vampire knows something is different. The uncertain individual he'd know before has vanished; in his stead stands a confident, calculating man with not a single shred of fear or doubt in his eyes. It makes Sora's heart jump, and something carnal inside of him stirs. He wants to see what this new XIII is capable of, wants to smell the confidence on his breath, wants to taste the desire on his teeth...

Sora's mouth waters, but he remains still.

Neither of them really know what to say, the silence hanging between them like a curtain of frost.

Finally, Sora whispers, the mist of his breath quickly vanishing in the air, "Boo."

Roxas smiles, and it lights up Sora's heart like the sun does the east. "Hi," He responds, "I missed you."

Then there's no space between them, and Sora's arms are around him, and he is being pulled into a deep kiss. Roxas can feel a change in the air, an energy thrumming around them that hadn't been there before: an electric current lacing their molecules like a million tiny wedding knots. He kisses back.

"I missed you so much." Sora says, breaking away but coming back just as quickly.

Their mouths part, their tongues meld, and Sora presses XIII fully against the cool brick. Lips are bitten, hair becomes interlaced in fingers, and mist drifts heavenward... as do moans, and sighs, and gasps.

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