Chapter VII: Nightlife

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The Night

Chapter VII: Nightlife


June 12th, 2025

Sora spent the entire trip back to the apartment having an internal struggle on coming up with ways to impress Roxas, but he ultimately ran out of time once they reached their destination. So, as a last-ditch effort, he devises a quick plan to act cool and aloof in an attempt to impress the other man. When they finally make it into the building's lobby, the vampire smoothly leans against the wall, looking off to the distance. Very impressive.

"So," he says casually, trying not to sound excited, "We're still going out tonight, right?"

Unbeknownst to him, Roxas has noticed this shift in Sora's persona—considering it a rather obvious display of the vampire's intentions. Though it is wonderfully amusing to see Sora attempting to impress him, he decides to play the game and act a little detached himself.

He shrugs before crossing his arms and glancing elsewhere, "Let me talk to my roommates first." So cool.

"Sure!" Sora blurts out, then clears his throat and quickly dials himself back, "Yeah, sounds good. I'll hang out down here." Nice save.

Roxas stifles his smile and ascends the stairs with only a wave and not another word. Smooth as butter.

When Roxas gets back into the apartment, his roommates are all accounted for. Demyx and Axel are hammering away at a video game on two different systems hooked up to two separate holo-TVs. Naminé sits lazily in an recliner, her lap full of pencils, legs dangling off one of the arms as she scribbles away on her sketchpad. If she's sketching it's likely that the two men are on a roll; drawing is a good way to pass the time as she waits for her turn to play.

"Yo!" Axel greets him from the couch, eyes still fixed on the screen, "You're back earlier than expected. Marluxia didn't scare you too badly, did he?"

Roxas walks behind the couch, "Only a little. He's an interesting person, that's for sure."

"I can't believe you're one mission closer to being a spark!" Demyx cries, "This year has gone by too fast!"

Naminé adds, "I'm sure Roxas is sick of delivering packages anyway. The first year is always the most boring." She motions Roxas closer and shows him her sketchbook, "Check this out."

It's a sketch of Axel and Demyx from Naminé's perspective. Though the drawing is rough, the realism is surprisingly near-perfect, and Roxas lets out an impressed whistle.

"So what should we do, Roxas?" Axel asks, "We're going to have to celebrate the end of your courier days!"

Demyx interjects, "Obviously we're going to get completely shitfaced. We should get some champagne!"

"Or a big-ass bottle of cheap liquor and do shots!"

"Oooh! Or both!"

"The hangover will be torture but it'll be fucking awesome!"

"Let's get started right now! Day drunk, anyone?"

While getting unholy amounts of intoxicated with his friends on their day off sounds fantastic, Roxas knows this is the time he should bring up going out if he wants to get any permission.

"A-actually," He interjects, "We should, uh.... Postpone the celebration until another night." He shuffles uncomfortably where he stands. "I wanted to know if it'd be okay if I go out with someone tonight."

Immediately, Demyx and Naminé look interested to hear more—but Axel is shooting him a chilling gaze that Roxas is unused to. The redhead backs out of the game lobby before hopping over the couch and coming to stand in front of Roxas.

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