Chapter 22: Failed Attempt

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Lloyd's POV

"Hey, Ruby!" I said after triple-checking to make sure no guards were around.


"I think we should go get the Crystal Blade first after breaking out."

"Why? Isn't the Chosen One the only person who can?"

"Actually, no. Anyone can take it, just not anyone affiliated with the Shadow Knight. He thinks that only the Chosen One can take it but as long as you can pass the tests you'll be able to." I remembered how Chrysanthe had said we shouldn't tell, but this would be fine.

She paused. "Wait, really? Who told you?"

I didn't want Ruby to accidentally name-drop Chrysanthe's name just in case, since I knew the latter would be in great danger if it ever got out that she told us. "Zane did some research and he found out that anyone could. He had several books on the Light Alps that he read while we rested. He told us while you were missing, so sorry for not telling you earlier."

"Oh, it's alright."

Throughout the day, I chatted with Ruby about the most random things. She told me stories of silly things Rumi did as a child, and I recounted countless times where one of my friends did something stupid. I almost started telling her about the time when Nya found out that Kai had been secretly dating Skylor Chen, the merchant's daughter, for months but caught myself at the last second. Even thinking about him twisted my stomach into a knot. And... now that I thought about her, she didn't even know...

I quickly brushed these thoughts aside.

Still, it felt good to laugh, and although the absence of my friends made me feel lonely and empty inside, Ruby's presence was still quite comforting. And to think that only a few days ago I would rather avoid her. Sometimes I found myself lost in thought, wondering if my friends were thinking about me. I prayed that Morro and Rumi weren't arguing all the time and that she and Cole were alright.

It seemed like barely any time had passed when the guards came to deliver our dinner. I gobbled up the food immediately, hardly even glancing at what I was shoving into my mouth. The meal was distasteful but I didn't care.

"Yo!" I shouted loudly down the hallway, "We're finished so go ahead and collect our trays!"

From my right, Ruby giggled. "You sure that isn't the least bit suspicious, Lloyd?"

"Okay, maybe a bit," I admitted, "I did not think that through."

The guard didn't have any reaction and simply took our trays then left.

After a few minutes, I gripped the metal bars and allowed Kai's fire to do its job. I watched in amazement as the metal became softer under my palms. The flames were not burning; to me they were simply the cause of a warm, tingling sensation through my body. I wondered if this was how Kai felt when he used it. Once again, I quickly pushed away the images forming in my mind. Now wasn't the time to reminisce in grief and sorrow. I needed to focus on the task at hand.

Slowly, I found myself able to pull the bars apart. I slid through the gap, which was now much easier since I had gotten skinnier. As soon as I was out, I hurried over to Ruby's cell and finally saw her.

I grinned and her eyes lit up in excitement. She was a mess but still looked much better groomed than myself. The pink streaks in her dark brown hair were still apparent unlike my hair which had taken on a dull and grayish tone.

I gripped her bars and began to pull when I heard footsteps down the hallway. Panicking, I tried yanking them apart and almost got a cramp in my right arm. The metal wouldn't budge, however, and I blasted an energy ball into the bars, creating a racket. I could hear shouting in the distance and quickly grabbed Ruby's hand then dashed down the hallway away from the guards. She didn't question my actions and we both ran like we'd never ran before.

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