Chapter 29: Reunion

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A/N: Since this chapter basically marks the end of Part I (and I just finished draft 1!!!), I thought it would be fit to dedicate it to squidneyxd. I just wanted to say, I can't believe we've known each other for so long, and thank you for sticking through with TJC even through the downright terrible parts (and I was too embarrassed to show anyone I knew irl). If it wasn't for you I doubt I would've joined Wattpad in the first place, and knowing that someone was there to read it helped me with finishing this book. And of course, thanks for giving me advice as I went along. 

If you guys haven't already, please go check her out and give her a follow, she has this amazing book called Departed, with a great story, compelling characters, and amazing prose. It's also completed, so you don't have to wait indefinitely for each update (oops). I'll link it here--> 

Anyway, onto the story!

Harumi's POV

"So basically you're saying that we should get the Crystal Blade before we rescue Lloyd and Ruby?" I asked, "I had assumed we were gonna do that after." My hands were on the back of the dragon again, but since the ride was quite steady at the time, I didn't have to worry about falling off.

"Yup," Morro said, having already turned back around, "I figured maybe the Shadow Knight will be there and we'll be prepared for him. If we get to the lair before we get the Blade, we'll waste a lot of time trying to get out and who knows when he's gonna cross over to Ninjago. Besides, my gut instincts tell me Lloyd and Ruby are fine and they're not being tortured or anything. And if I've learned anything from my time here, my gut instincts are always correct. Anyway, if it turns out he's not there, then we'll rescue them and get to the North Tower. He'll have forces situated at the Tower, but if worse comes to worst and he's someplace else, we'll destroy the building and get rid of the magic somehow. I've spent some time there and I'm pretty sure the source is the top."

He sounded so confident I believed him completely.

"Why would you spend time there?" I asked after making sure he was finished talking.

I stared at the seemingly endless gulf on my right so that Morro's hair wouldn't be all up in my face. I could still feel a few strands of it stroking my left cheek but somehow I didn't mind. Luckily it wasn't sweaty or anything since Zane had been there the past few days to keep us from getting too hot. I had also borrowed one of Nya's hair ties to put my hair up in a ponytail so that it wouldn't keep slapping against my face.

"Well, after the wyvern I noticed I could see what was going on in Ninjago through it. I would go to the top every Sunday and I could see what was happening. So it makes sense that would be where the portal is."

"Doesn't he want my fresh blood?" I asked, remembering what Zane had said, "And Jay said he wants you too, didn't he? Probably also fresh blood?"

He paused. "Wait... maybe I have to kill myself."

"If you weren't facing the other way I'd slap you," I said, my anger levels rising again. How could he suggest such a thing? The mere act of considering such a course of action was irresponsible. And what was worse was that from his tone of voice, he seemed serious.

"No, but seriously. What if I'm supposed to die so that the Shadow Knight can't get my blood? If I died would that be why you feel grief?"

"Oh shut up!" No part of me wanting to imagine Morro dying, or how I would react if he did, which certainly wouldn't be anything good, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I even remotely cared. He was already irritating in how he even suggested such a thing.

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