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So here it is the final chapter for my first ever Amourshipping Fanfic. I will truly miss writing this book. If you guys want to read more then I have published another book of mine Pokemon: Rise of One. (Link will be in the comment section of this paragraph.) So here's the final chapter of this Fanfic. Ready! Set! Go!


After announcing the new Elite 4 and their engagement publically, Both Ash and Serena married a few months later. Since Ash belonged to the Royal family of Rota, their marriage was held there. Riley who was internally developing feelings for Green came up and confessed his feelings to Green who was replied back positive. Both Green and Riley dated for 1 1/2 months before Riley proposed to her. They married a few months later and had a son named Tyler. Ash battled Red in an unofficial match but lost narrowly. He then trained hard and managed to beat Red, who retired as a trainer, making Ash the world's strongest trainer. Both Ash and Serena had twins 2 years later their marriage. They were named Kyla (for the girl) and Aaron (for the boy).

Gary married Princess Salvia, who secretly had a crush on Gary. Her parents allowed her to marry him because of his reputation as a top researcher. They had a daughter and a son named, Crystal and Ethan. He took over his Gramps laboratory and begin to research there. 

Alain and Aria, who were secretly dating before both Ash and Serena found out, married only a few months later Ash and Serena. They had a son named Elio. Aria opened a performing school and begin to train young performers for the Master class along with Serena. 

Paul married Miette who secretly developed a crush on Paul on his announcement as the new Kalos Elite 4. They had a daughter who was the youngest in the group, named Lara. Paul continued to work as an Elite 4 and also compete in leagues. While Miette won the title of Top Coordinator of Sinnoh.

Ritchie and Astrid married a few years later. They both dated for about 2 years before Ritchie proposed to her. They had a son named Steven and a daughter named Ava. 

All of Ash's true friends had a good life while the traitors suffered the most. Calem who tried to destroy peace in the Prison suffered the most. He then had a long person-to-person talk with Dark Ash. Dark Ash beat the crap out of him leaving Calem to suffer. The cops who worked at the Prison also told that Calem was unable to sleep for almost 4-5 days. When he slept he got nightmares about Dark Ash. He would get up late in the night covered with Cold sweats. He was then released 8 years later but the Pokenations canceled his trainer account and confiscated all his pokemon. He was also banned to participate in any major tournament. 

The news of all the things that traitors did to Ash spread like a wildfire. Misty's sister who was unaware of what Misty did earlier quickly took away Misty's title of a Gym Leader. They even dragged her out of the Gym and warned her to not come back in her lifetime. 

Brock's title as a Pokemon Doctor was taken away by the board and his title of Gym leader was given to his younger brother, Forrest, who was disgusted about Brock.

The Petalburg city gym quickly lost its popularity as both Norman and Caroline supported ad defended Max and May's actions. They eventually had to shut it down. 

Both Max and May were booed when they make any public appearance and they were often thrown out of the events by the public itself.

Dawn who was thrown out of her house by her mother. When she makes a Public appearance the public looked down at her with disgusted looks. She eventually had to take a job at a local restaurant to support herself.

Cilan's brother who came to know about what Cilan did took him out of the Gym and taking all of his pokemon with them. Cilan then tried to become an A-class connoisseur but failed as he was never taken seriously by the judges.

Iris was thrown out of the Battle Village that leads her to live on the road. She got a job at a local shop and got enough money to support her living. 

All of Alolan Gang received a hard lesson from their families. They were thrown out of their houses even before it was public about what they did to Ash. They still lived a better life as compared to others as they opened a local business. Though their business never gained popularity, they earned enough to buy a small house. 

Goh was expelled out by Prof. Cerise from his work as a fellow researcher. His Pokemon were given to him. Chloe was able to convince Prof. that she did all this as Goh told her to do the same. Though, Prof. Cerise allowed her to stay but was now never trusted and respected like before.

The whole world also saw the power of the new Kalos Elite 4. Every challenger who had ever challenged the Kalos Elite 4 and champion was not able to pass through any one of them. Some were able to beat the first one but never managed to beat the second. Rarely, the Kalos Elite 4 needs to take the third match in a Trainers challenge. Ash being the unlucky one never got to fight even once. The challengers were beaten up by either Paul, Alain, Riley, or Ritchie. Ash also gave an opportunity to the public to challenge him in pokemon battle but he never got a good battle. The Kalos Elite 4 occasionally battled other Elite 4's and Champions and won all of them.

Serena continued to be the Kalos Queen for several years as she never saw someone with the potential to beat her and take the title as The Kalos Queen. She worked with Aria in her school teaching young performers which she enjoyed a lot. 

Ash and Serena decided to settle down in Kalos as it will be easier for both Ash and Serena to fulfill their duties. Ash even bought a house for his Mom and Dad to move in Kalos but they decided to stay in Rota to give company to Ilene. He also helped Gary to open a new branch for his laboratories in Kalos so that he can share any new discoveries soon with the world and keep all the other research updated. 

They all lived a Happy Life for the years after...


Finally, The book is finished. I promise you guys that the other book will get a new chapter in a day or two. I am currently planning my future books. Anyways, I will miss this book a lot to write as it was my first ever Amourshipping Fanfic to ever write. 

Signing Off, Flair.

Thank You

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