Ch-9 "Going to Kalos"

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Hi guys! Without taking your much time. I welcome you all to Ch-9 of this book. Ready, Steady, Go!


[No Ones P.O.V]

"Ash, please listen to me." Gary pleaded Ash to listen to him and added: "I'm sorry and I promise that I would never ever speak that name to you." Then a wide smile appeared on Ash's face and he begins to control his laugh. He even put his hand over his mouth to control it. It brings a little success but not much as Ash was unable to control his laughter. Gary looked at Ash with 'Is that funny' face. ""Sorry, But I can't control my laughter at your childish behavior," Ash spoke out while putting his hand on his mouth."Whatever!" Gary spoke irritated and added "Ash I was traveling for some while in all other regions after the incident. I met all of your previous rivals & many professors and told them all about it.""What? How did you get this much time to travel weren't researching with Prof. Rowen?""Yeah! I am with Prof. Rowen but I was on a field trip. I told them about everything that happened to you and they all are very furious. I don't know that till when they will control their anger." Gary stated."I know that they can't control themselves. And say them my thank you to be on the side of me and to you too." Ash spoke calmly."No need to because you changed our lives. But WTF WERE YOU DOING FOR LAST 3 YEARS!" Gary said while raging in last."Calm down, Gary! I was training somewhere and challenging leagues." Ash replied to calm him down."Training for what?" "I will tell you after the contest," Ash replied."Okay as for your wish."Declaring the result,"The winner of the Hoenn Region Grand Festival is Leaf!" The announcer announced and the Crowd cheered. "Please hold your hands together for the runner up of this Festival, Serena Yvonne!" The crowd cheered up for her.Then Ash managed to make an Aura connection with Serena and cheered her up and informed her to meet him outside. Serena replied in positivity.As soon as The Grand Festival was over. Ash grabbed Gary and ran outside. Once Serena was out. Ash snapped his finger and they 3 were teleported on top of a hill.Gary freaked out with the sudden change and Serena was feeling dizzy. "Hey, Ash! I told you to not teleport me suddenly. I need to mentally prepare myself." Serena scolded. "Sorry but I need to talk with him urgently and I can't leave you alone there." Ash defended himself. Gary was confused at the scene and decided to interfere with them. "Can anyone of you tell me what happened here?" Both Ash and Serena looked at him. "Oh! I forgot about you. Serena meet Gary, my childhood friend. Gary meets Serena, my Girlfriend." Ash spoke out while holding Serena's hands. "Ash Ketchum got a girlfriend. Am I dreaming? The densest person in the whole universe. I can't believe it" Gary laughed. "Is something wrong with him?" Serena asked Ash while putting her hands on her waists. "No, it's normal for him since childhood. He is always crazy so it's normal for him." Ash joked. "Keep it on the side. But Ash how we came here? Some time ago we were near the sea and now we are on top of a hill." Confused Gary asked. "You remember what you asked me during the contest. About my training." Ash asked. "Yeah! I remember. I asked you." "Now I'll tell you what I was training about!" Ash said while removing his mask. "Now listen to me but don't freak out," Ash instructed Gary. Gary nodded. "So do you know something about Aura Guardians?" Ash asked. "I learned about them while in Hoenn but they are just a myth and they aren't real," Gary replied. As Ash heard the last part, his eyes begin to glow blue and a small Aura sphere begin to appear on his hands while he was levitating above the ground. "Now see, You hurt his feelings. Now say sorry to him before he goes berserk." Serena scolded Gary. Gary was already frozen by the scene. He was immobilized by seeing Ash floating. "Am I a myth to you? Am I not real?" Ash spoke coldly while throwing Aura spheres in the Air. "Okay, I am sorry for you. I believe in you that you are real even Aura Guardians are real." Gary asked for forgiveness. "Ash now calm down. I don't feel safe here." Serena shouted. Ash begin to calm down and landed on the ground. Serena soon embraced him in a hug and kissed him on his lips. This lasted about a minute long and they finally broke from kiss to breathe. "So, You are telling me that you were training your Aura powers. Interesting!" Gary spoke out in amazement. Then Ash and Serena told about what they were doing in the last 3 years except for legendary parts."Yeah! It is and now let's get on the main business. Gary after 2 years there will be a competition is Kalos. All the traitors are invited there. I'll ask Scott to send an invitation to all of you. In that competition, I'll reveal my identity. Will you come there?" Ash asked."Heck Yes! I'll be coming there. After all, it's about Pokemon battles. I'll be coming." Gary replied."Good. Where you will go after this?" Ash asked Gary. "I will first go to visit Gramps then I'll go to the Sinnoh region for my research," Gary replied. "If you want then I can teleport you to Pallet town right now." "No thanks! I'll stay here for a while then go to Gramps. BTW where you 2 will go from here?" Both Ash and Serena smiled at each other and turned their face. "We'll go to Kalos." They both spoke in unison. "As Serena will compete in Showcases and I have some work to do there as a champion," Ash informed Gary. "Ok, when will you both go?"Gary asked. "Tomorrow Morning! We'll go to Kalos. Ash will teleport us there because showcases are starting soon." Serena spoke while smiling. "Now Ash if you please can you take me back to Pokemon center as I'm pretty tired." Gary pleaded while yawning. "As you wish."As soon as the 3 went to the Pokemon center, they ate dinner together and then went to their room to sleep. 


Thanks for reading this. Sorry for not updating yesterday as I was busy. So, here he comes. I will be doing some time skip until the main event so be ready for that. You know the rest drill.

Signing Off, Flair.

Thank You

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