Chapter 2 "The Confession"

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Thanks for reading the chapter and I'm sorry to not update Book yesterday. My wifi wasn't working yesterday. So sorry. 


Serena P.O.V

I was looking around the Hall of Origin and admiring its beauty while Ash was talking about something to Arceus. Soon, I decided to join Ash in his conversation with Arceus. When I joined Ash, Arceus started to tell how he saw the betrayal from a lake that was present just ahead of us. 

Then I was confused about how Arceus knows Ash. I questioned in curiosity both of them that how do they know each other. Arceus answered my question in positivity and they proceed to explain about a event that happened when Ash was traveling in Sinnoh region. I listened to his explanation and I was impressed by all the good deeds Ash did while travelling.

Third Person P.O.V

After few moments of silence, Serena remembered the whole incident and decides to question Ash about what happened to him in his house. Ash sweatdropped and looked towards the ground as if he was thinking about something. Serena was now looking at Ash angrily. Arceus managed to save Ash by explaining Serena that Ash is an Aura Guardian and he is one of only two Aura Guardians present on Earth. Serena then proceeds to bombard Ash and Arceus about Aura by asking "What is Aura? What is the purpose of being an Aura Guardian? and many more." Ash and Arceus listened to her. "Aura is a life energy that Lucario and Aura Guardians can feel and take control of, the shockwave that I sent at that time was just one wave of Aura energy that I released from my body." answered Ash. Then Arceus added "Aura Guardians are special humans who can take control of Aura. Their purpose is to maintain peace between Pokemons and Humans." Serena was listening to all of these with sparkling eyes.

Serena P.O.V

"Wow! Its just amazing I didn't know that in this world anyone else except Lucario can use Aura. I am so lucky to find out the person I admire the most is one of the Heroes in this world. Just wow." I thought while blushing. 

Ash P.O.V

As we explained Serena about my powers. "Ash, The Chosen One, I will send you back to your world and then you go and fetch all of your pokemon. Then you go to the place where you first got to know about your powers. One of my good friends will be waiting for you there and You can tell Prof. that he can tell about you to his grandson but not to anyone else. He can also come and search for you after 3 years. And till then take care of yourself and her." Arceus said. Serena was looking at me in confusion in her eyes. Soon we both were teleported back to the place we were earlier at. The scene remained the same. "Aww man, that hurts," I said to Serena while rubbing my head. I was feeling dizziness from sudden teleportation and it was the same for her as well. Then we both ran towards the front door and tried to get away but I was stopped by some sudden force. I looked back and saw Brock holding my hand. They were going to grab Serena as well but I stopped them by countering a weak wave of Aura that drag them away from us.

We ran towards Prof. Oak Labs. I ensured that we weren't followed by those traitors. We ran to the lab. When we reached the front door I rang the bell 3-4 times. Prof. Oak opened the door and welcomed us with a warm smile. We went inside the labs and shut the front door.

"Prof. I need all of my Pokemons right now," I said. Prof looked at me with confused eyes but I explained to him the whole situation leaving our meeting with Arceus. "Oh! I see." Prof. Oak said and he ran back to his lab and asked me to follow him. He then gave us a small Pokedex like device. "Its called nanodex, A improved version of Pokedex. It allows you to carry more than 6 pokemon at once." Prof. explained. I was thinking about the words that Arceus said while leaving ' the place where I realized my Powers'. After a few minutes, I remembered the place and quickly ran to give a call to Charofic valley. Prof. Oak came to me and all of me pokeballs and informed me that my pokemon from Alola region has arrived just arrived today morning. I then went outside and called all of my pokemon. I gave them all the update and they all were furious. I told them that we are leaving soon. Soon, My Charizard arrived at the place.

I smiled at him and returned all of my Pokemons but Charizard and Serena. Then Prof. and Serena came to the garden. I told Prof. that I and Serena are leaving right now. " Prof. Oak, Please tell Gary that he can come and search for me after 3 years in Hoenn region" I informed the professor and he nodded. I helped Serena to climb on Charizard and then I climbed on him. We begin to fly towards Hoenn. 

[Time Skip 3 hours Later]

I and Serena were resting on the side of a hill, as Charizard was tired of flying. Then I was thinking about my adventures with all of my 'so-called friends'. I realized that I don't know why but when I am near Serena, I get a soothing effect and it calms me down. When I see her getting hurt I couldn't stop my anger as I can't see her getting hurt. I feel like she is someone special for me.

Soon I joined the courage to talk to her. "Serena, Thanks for taking my side at that time. "I said to her. She soon got up and replied "I will be always at your side even during the end of this world. I would never give up on you because you are the person I admire the most." "Thanks, Serena. I would never forget you till the end of my life. You might not know but after the time you left for Hoenn. I couldn't remember a single day that I don't think about you. When you are around Me I feel like calmness running through my veins. I couldn't see you getting hurt. I think I love you." I said while gathering all of my courage.

Serena P.O.V

"I couldn't believe did Ash just proposed me The Densest Person to be alive Just proposed me, I think I might be dreaming," I thought. "Ash..." I was about the speak but was soon cut by Ash saying "I'm sorry if you don't feel the same. I just ...".

Ash P.O.V

I was about to speak but was cut off by Serena hugging me. Whose lips were on mine and my lips just melted into hers. Both Trainers soon broke free to take the air. Serena then looked at me and said: "It was my reply." I was instantly frozen.

No Ones P.O.V

Ash was completely still for a few moments but Serena was waving her hands in front of him speaking "Earth to Ash?" He then soon came back to his senses and bent on one knee. "Serena Yvonne will you be my girlfriend," Ash spoke. Serena then picked him up. "I had already become yours when for the first time I met you," Serena spoke and embraced ash to a hug.

To Be continued.... 

Sorry once again. Anyways I will be updating the book every other day. Feel free to comment. 

Signing off Flair. Thank You

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